Manifesto of the SEJyD and the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology in response to the General Council of Psychology of…
The founding members are scientists from the fields of psychology, economics, neuroscience, and sport sciences, with strong formal or informal linkages to Spanish research institutions, and are committed to the development of Judgment and Decision-making studies in Spain.
Our aims are to create a new platform on which sharing our common interest on this rapidly growing and evolving field, to promote the tutoring of young researchers, to make interdisciplinary collaborations possible, to elaborate joint research projects, and to attract resources and international contacts.
The success of judgment and decision-making as a field is based on some definitional features: interdisciplinarity, methodological and descriptive systematicity, continuous transference from the laboratory to daily-life contexts, distrust in over- and micro-theorization, and, over all, a good deal of critical sense. A taste for looking behind the obvious is certainly not uncommon among those who consider themselves judgment and decision scientists.
Latest News
After the last meeting (Barcelona, NOV 2018), the current SEJyD board is formed by: Yasmina Okam (President), José C. Perales (Vice-President), Carmelo…
The second meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Judgment and Decision Making Studies took place in Barcelona on…
Our 3rd regular meeting will take place in Madrid in 2020. More info soon.
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