Board Members

María Manuela Moreno
María Manuela Moreno-Fernández is Lecturer at the Department of Developmental Psychology (University of Granada). Her main research focuses on the cognitive biases that affect decision making, with a special emphasis on the individual differences approach. She is author of many journal articles in outlets such as Scientific Reports or Judgment and Decision Making. ORCID:

Juan F. Navas
Vice president
Juan F. Navas is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Basic Psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is member of the Responsible Gambling Advisory Council (Government of Spain). He holds a PhD in affective dysregulation in Gambling Disorder from the University of Granada. His main research interest focuses on emotion dysregulation, impulsivity and other affective disturbances in different risk behaviors from addiction to obesity. He has published in international scientific journals such as Addiction, International Journal of Obesity or Human Brain Mapping.

Fernando Blanco
Fernando Blanco is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Granada (Spain). His research interests focus on the experimental study of human cognitive biases, by using the theoretical background of associative/contingency learning. He is author of scientific papers in journals like Judgment and Decision Making, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, etc. He is also interested in improving research methods and transparency in science, and loves good science popularization. ORCID:

Itxaso Barberia
Itxaso Barberia is Lecturer at the Department of Cognition, Development, and Educational Psychology of the Universitat de Barcelona. Her main research focuses on human causal learning and reasoning. She has published in international journals such as PLoS ONE or Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition

Antonio M. Espín
Antonio M. Espín is an Athenea3i research fellow at the Social Anthropology Department of the University of Granada, Spain. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Granada. His main research interests are focused on the psychological and biological underpinnings of human social behavior. Dr. Espín has published in outstanding academic journals such as Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Journal of Happiness Studies, Scientific Reports, Economics Letters, Psychoneuroendocrinology and Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. Since 2016, he is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy.

Dafina Petrova
Dafina Petrova is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Biomedical Research Institute ibs.GRANADA, the Andalusian School of Public Health, and the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP). She holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Granada and does research on patient decision making and behavior in the areas of psycho-oncology and psycho-cardiology ( Dr. Petrova also collaborates in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Her research has been published in Psycho-oncology, Health Psychology Review, Cancers, British Journal of Cancer, and Medical Decision Making

Miguel Vadillo
Miguel Vadillo is a senior research fellow at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Previously he has been a lecturer at King’s College London and the University of Deusto and a postdoctoral researcher at University College London. His research interests include different aspects of learning, memory and cognition, with a particular focus on unconscious mental processes. His research has been published in leading academic journals, including Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, and Psychological Bulletin.

Yasmina Okan
Yasmina Okan is an Associate Professor in Behavioral Decision Making at the Centre for Decision Research, Leeds University Business School (UK). She holds a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Granada (Spain). Her research focuses on the psychology of judgment and decision making, with an emphasis on health risk perception and communication. Her work has been supported by grants from Cancer Research UK, the US Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, Worldwide Universities Network, and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. Dr. Okan’s research has been published in leading academic journals including Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Risk Analysis, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Medical Decision Making (