SEJyD 2021 Madrid

We are happy to announce that the third SEJyD meeting will take place on November 16, 2021. The event will be held at the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid. We are working under the assumption that it will be possible to hold this meeting physically at UAM. But we are also making all arrangements so that it can be quickly converted to an online meeting, if necessary.
We are also glad to announce that this year’s SEPEX conference will be given by Helena Matute, from the University of Deusto. As many of you know, Helena Matute is a world-leading expert in the study of causal illusions and human contingency learning. She is also well-known for her many contributions to the dissemination of psychological research on social media and popular science events. We are extremely happy to have her onboard for this event. Of note, Helena Matute will also participate in the UNED Talks that will take place on the preceding day, also in Madrid. Those of you who can afford attending both events in tandem will have an excellent opportunity to listen to her in the company of outstanding speakers like Fernando Blanco, Roberto Colom, Maria Xesús Froxán, Ángel Fernández, and Inmaculada Sánchez Queija.
As in previous years, researchers can participate in SEJyD 2021 with oral communications and poster presentations. Poster presentations are open to anybody (including members and non-members of the SEJyD) with an interest in sharing their work on the study of judgement and decision-making. For oral communications, the organizing committee of the SEJyD will contact the research teams directly and invite them to participate with a 15-min oral communication.
Abstracts for oral communications and poster presentations should be sent by email to between April 12 and May 21. In your proposal, please state (a) the format of the presentation (oral communication or poster), (b) the title of your work, (c) the names and family names of all the authors, (d) the affiliation of each author, and (e) an abstract of up to 250 words. We will email detailed guidelines for the preparation of the oral communications and posters to all registered participants in a few weeks.
Both attendance and active participation in the meeting will be free of charge. However, for organization purposes, all attendants must register for this event filling in this form by May 21.
For any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing committee at
Important dates:

  • Registration: until May 7 (extended to May 21)
  • Abstract submission: April 12 – May 7 (extended to May 21)
  • Meeting: November 16
The scientific programme and abstract book of SEJyD 2021 are already available in this link.

We are looking forward to meeting you at UAM!