We are happy to announce that the fourth SEJyD meeting will take place on December 1st, 2023. The event will be held at the Faculty of Psycholoy of the University of Granada.
We are also glad to announce that this year’s SEPEX conference will be given by David Lagnado, from the University College London (UCL). Prof. Lagnado is one of the world-leading experts in the field of causal cognition, and he has also published outstanding contributions to the philosophy of mind.

Both attendance and active participation in the meeting will be free of charge for SEJyD members. However, for organization purposes, all attendants must register for this event. To do so, please fill in this form:
Abstract submission
As in previous years, researchers can participate in SEJyD 2023 with 15-min oral communications and poster presentations.
Abstracts for oral communications and poster presentations should be submitted between April 1st and May 31st, though the submission form.
In your proposal, please state (a) the format of the presentation (oral communication or poster), (b) the title of your work, (c) the names and family names of all the authors, (d) the affiliation of each author, and (e) an abstract of up to 250 words. We will email detailed guidelines for the preparation of the oral communications and posters to all registered participants in a few weeks.
Important dates
Registration: from April 1st to November 10th.
Abstract submission: from April 1st to May 31st
Meeting: December 1st
For any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing committee at sejydgranada2023@gmail.com
We are hoping to meet you in Granada! Check this website soon for further information.
Instructions for presenters
Oral communications: Oral communications will be 15 minutes long (plus additional 5 minutes for discussion). Although oral communications can be presented either in English or Spanish, we suggest writing your slides in English.
Posters: Posters should be in English. Maximum size 90 x 120cm (vertical / portrait).
Conference program
You can download the conference program and abstract book here. (Updated 30 nov 2023)