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Surface Theory in Homogeneous Three Manifolds

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum


Geometría de contacto y productos de Blaschke

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Regularity of weak solutions of degenerate elliptic systems

University of Duisburg-Essen


Interior regularity for harmonic mappings between Riemannian manifolds

University of Duisburg-Essen


Regularity results for quasilinear elliptics systems

University of Duisburg-Essen


The fundamental tones of a convex body

Università di Roma


Dominios isoperimetricos grandes

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Removable singularity results for minimal laminations and applications to the classical theory of minimal surfaces

University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Superficies mínimas en $\mathbb{R}^3/T$ con topologia finita

Universidad de Granada


Totally Umbilic Surfaces in Homogeneous 3-Manifolds

Université Paris VII


Estabilidad de superficies atrapadas y existencia local de horizontes atrapantes

Universidad de Salamanca


Cyclid and ruled Lagrangian surfaces in the Complex Euclidean Space

Universidade de São Paulo



Jornada de Geometría

Granada (España)

Jornada organizada por el grupo de investigación Problemas variacionales en Geometría (FQM325)

Intived speakers

International Seminar on Applied Geometry in Andalusia

Granada (España)

The applications of Geometry to multiple practical fields serve to benefit not only the fields themselves, but Geometry itself as a source of inspiration and beauty. These applications are not always immediate and, as a result, they are often unknown or underestimated by many geometers. The present International Seminar on Applied Geometry in Andalusia, organized by two research groups supported by the Andalusian Government, consists of maximizing and propagating high-level mathematical applications of Geometry to other fields, including both the most theoretical(such as other branches of Mathematics or Theoretical Physics)and the most practical(such as Industrial, Medical or Material Science).The Seminar is divided into several mini-courses and lectures given by outstanding specialists, as well as other activities to promote the learning and exchange of ideas of the participants.

Intived speakers

Mini-curso sobre la teoría del flujo de Ricci de Hamilton

Granada (España)

Mini-curso sobre la teoría del flujo de Ricci de Hamilton, el trabajo de Perelman en lo que se refiere a avances en la comprensión de la naturaleza del flujo de Ricci y el trabajo de Hamilton-Perelman destinado a la prueba de las conjeturas de Thuston y Poincaré. Impartido por la profesora Esther Cabezas Rivas