CIME School on PDE and GMT

Title of the CIME School: Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory’
When: June 2 – 7, 2014
Where:  Cetraro, Italy

  • Henry Berestycki (Centre d’analyse et de math. sociales, France):  Reaction-diffusion and propagation in non-homogeneous media
  • Camillo De Lellis (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland):  The h-principle, the Nash-Kuiper theorem and the Euler equations
  • Alessio Figalli (Univ. Texas Austin, USA):  Monge-Ampere type equation and applications
  • Frank Morgan (Williams College, USA):  Geometric Measure Theory, Isoperimetric Problems and Manifolds with Density
  • Ireneo Peral (Univ. Madrid, Spain):  Elliptic and parabolic equations equations related to growth models.

Master/PhD students and young researchers of all ages are welcome to
join the event. For further information about the School, please
visit the CIME webpage

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