
Welcome to the web site of IMAG, the Math Institute of the University of Granada. IMAG is an instrument for the society, devoted to enhance and spread the knowledge in Mathematics with special emphasis on research, training, outreach and technology transer. This main goal is carried out through various actions:

  • Hosting postdocs and visitor researchers collaborating with local or national researchers.
  • Training young mathematicians through the UGR Master in Mathematics (joint with the Universities of Almería, Cádiz, Jaén and Málaga).
  • Hosting different kinds of events as Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Colloquia, Advanced Courses, Thematic Periods, etc. These events are open to the mathematical world community and affine areas.
  • Fostering activities targeted to the society in general: Visits of high school students, Math outreach in our environment, etc.
  • Offering mathematical technology transfer to explore effective collaboration with external companies.

The trajectory of IMAG is relatively short, but full of enthusiasm and success. This center was originally IEMath-GR, of the four venues of the former Spanish Institute of Mathematics (IEMath), a project today discontinued. Since 2015, the institute became a Research Institute of the University of Granada (UGR), and since 2017 it also is one of the two venues of the Institute of Mathematics of Andalusia (IAMAT), together with the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville (IMUS). In 2020 the institute adopted its current name of IMAG. In 2021, it was awarded with the Excellence Seal “María de Maeztu” for the period 2022-2025, and in 2022 IMAG became an associated center of the Banff International Research Station (BIRS), paraticipating in the organization of international congress in all areas of Mathematics of top level.

Courses and Seminars

Eigenvalue estimates on shrinkers


To organize a seminar at the institute, please fill and send the electronic form appearing under the Applying for an activity


Conferences and meetings


Geometrical Aspects of Mathematical Relativity Masterclass