

The members of the institute must fulfill the following conditions.

  • To be included in the teaching or research UGR staff (article 4 of the UGR universitary institutes regulations).
  • Own at least two research periods (six years) approved by the Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora.
  • No member can belong to two different UGR institutes.

The UGR Council will proceed to the adscription of new members after an approval report has been issued by the Institute and the Department where the members belong to. Staff with temporal contracts will be members while the contracts are active.

Associate members

Researchers from other insitutions could be associate members under the following conditions.

  • Members of active research projects of the Plan Nacional de I+D+i, members of a Proyecto de Excelencia or of a Grupo de Investigación from the Junta de Andalucía linked with UGR, whose research actitvity is related to Mathematics, independently from their home institution. These members must own two research periods approved by the Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora.
  • Applications of non-mathematicians researchers related to mathematics at the UGR could be also considered.

Associated members will not be part ot the Institute Council. However, they can use the facilities at the institute as any other member of the Insitute.

New adscriptions

The procedure to become a member or associate member is the following one.

  1. Fill and sign the form:
    Request of adscription to the institute (member/associate member application form)
  2. The form will also include a curriculum vitae of the applicant and the approval of its Department Council, or in the case of researchers outside the UGR,  from their host institution; the application must be endorsed by two institute members (endorsement form).
  3. UGR staff must also provide a sworn statement  (form) declaring that they do not belong to another UGR research institute (UGR research institute regulations).

The application will be sent by email to imag.secretaria@ugr.es. Once the Covernance Council of the Institute approves the application, the applicant must send to Vicerrectorado de Política Científica e Investigación of the UGR (via e-mail to investigacion@ugr.es / vit@ugr.es, or via Sede Electrónica) the following documents:

  • Adscription form to a UGR research institute (download).
  • Positive report of the institute concerning the application.
  • Positive report of the Department Council of the applicant’s host department, or for researchers outside the UGR, of their host institution.