XXII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Dates: September 2-5, 2013 Place: Evora, Portugal Website: http://www.ifwgp2013.uevora.pt/Continue Reading
Dates: September 2-5, 2013 Place: Evora, Portugal Website: http://www.ifwgp2013.uevora.pt/Continue Reading
We have recently moved our former website to a more functional, WordPress based structure that allows to share more information with users (activities calendar, news, MathJax compatibility). We hope you find it helpful. Suggestions and comments are welcome at our email address, iemath(at)ugr.esContinue Reading
Dates: September 2 to 6, 2013 Place: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Website: http://www.crm.cat/en/Activities/Pages/ActivityFoldersAndPages/Curs%202013-2014/cellipticpdes.aspxContinue Reading
Doc Course: Some recent results in Real Analytic Geometry Prof. Francesca Acquistapace and Prof. Fabrizio Broglia Dates: Sept 10-13, 2013. First session: Sept10, at 10:30 AM. Place: Seminar 238, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, UCM. Organized by: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar, in collaboration with the Departament of Algebra and the researchContinue Reading
To be held at IEMath-GR next October 3-4, 2013. Local organizers: Antonio Alarcón at alarcon[at]ugr.es José Miguel Manzano at jmmanzano[at]ugr.es More info at http://www.ugr.es/~jmmanzano/reag2013/Continue Reading
From now on, all pages in IEMath-GR website admit LaTeX commands in order to produce math formulas as the one below: \[ \log(x) = \int_1^x \frac{1}{u}\mathrm{d}u \]Continue Reading
This Conference is intended to cover some of the more recent progresses in the field of Geometric Analysis. It corresponds to the annual meeting of the French-Spanish GDRE Geometric Analysis and it will be one of the first activities of the Math Institute of Granada University. The conference is also related to the programContinue Reading
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