One year post-doctoral position in Geometry and Global Analysis – Montpellier, France A one year postdoctoral position is open at the University of Montpellier (France) in the Geometry and Global Analysis group of the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG). The laureate will join the IMAG geometry team and participate inContinue Reading

Descripción de la vacante Deseamos nombrar un profesor en matemáticas puras dentro de la Escuela de Matemáticas y Estadística. Serás un académico con una creciente reputación de investigación internacional y un compromiso para ofrecer una enseñanza de alta calidad en el amplio campo de las Matemáticas Puras. La Escuela agradeceríaContinue Reading

We have received a request from Durham University to share with you the call for applications for their Institute of Advanced Study 2020/21 Fellowships. Applicants may be from any academic discipline or professional background involving research, and they may come from anywhere in the world. IAS Fellowships include an honorarium,Continue Reading

This is an advert for a position of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in the mathematics department at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh). The department is particularly looking for candidates with expertise in differential geometry, applied mathematics, or computational mathematics, but excellent candidates in related fields such as geometric group theory are also strongly encouragedContinue Reading

INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE: MARIA DEL MAR RUEDA GARCÍA PLAZO DE SOLICITUD: Hasta 23/11/2018 REQUISITOS: Licenciado/Graduado en Estadistica, Informática o Matemáticas FUNCIONES: En el marco del proyecto al que se incorpora la persona contratada, se encargará de la elaboración de software que implemente los métodos estadísticos desarrollados en el proyecto. Estudios deContinue Reading

PUESTO: PROGRAMADOR – DESCRIPCIÓN: El proyecto COSMO (Corrientes Oceánicas y Seguridad en el Medio Marítimo, CTM2016-79474-R) tiene entre sus objetivos elaborar una base de datos de objetos derivantes en el medio marino (fundamentalmente flotadores a la deriva) en áreas circundantes a la Península ibérica. El objetivo es realizar un inventarioContinue Reading

We would like to draw your attention into two openings in the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Bath: 1. One position for Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader in Analysis (Assistant of Associate professor) 2. One Professorship in Analysis of Nonlinear PDEs The closing date forContinue Reading