The Warwick Mathematics Institute is currently inviting applications for one 12 month postdoctoral position in geometric analysis, hosted by Peter Topping. The position is within a larger research consortium including also Andre Neves (Imperial, Chicago) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge, Princeton), funded by EPSRC. The proposed start date is 1 SeptemberContinue Reading

The Excellence Laboratory Milyon,, opens the 2017 postdoctoral researchers in Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science campaign. Milyon offers six postdoctoral positions with no teaching load for the period 2017–2019 All the domains in Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science are eligible. Deadline: January 16th 2017 ——————————————————————————————– Le Laboratoire d’excellenceContinue Reading

The Hausel group at IST Austria advertises for post-doctoral positions starting September 2017. The positions will be partially funded by the ERC advanced grant “Arithmetic and physics of Higgs moduli spaces” and we are looking for applicants with research interests in geometry and its interfaces. The positions are available upContinue Reading

La Obra Social «la Caixa» convoca 20 becas para cursar un doctorado en universidades o centros de investigación españoles, que culmine con la lectura de una tesis doctoral en una universidad. Los programas de doctorado elegibles deberán estar adaptados al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y regulados por el RealContinue Reading

The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers postdoctoral positions in mathematics and in fundamental computer science in the main laboratories of Paris for academic year 2017-2018. The call for applications is open until December 1st 2016, 11:59 (pm), Paris time. Please find the detailed offer here: Please find theContinue Reading

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position (BPD) within the project Geometry of Algebraic Varieties (PTDC/MAT-GEO/2823/2014) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal). Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics or in a related field, preferably obtained less than 6 years ago and have research experienceContinue Reading

The AdMoRe research project consists of eight individual research projects based on the applications of interest of the mentioned advanced techniques (Advanced Model Reduction for real-time, inverse and industrial problems). All admitted PhD students will have to satisfy the following minimum requirements: – Degree equivalent to a Masters in EngineeringContinue Reading

The Warwick Mathematics Institute is currently inviting applications for 12 month and/or 24 month postdoctoral positions in geometric analysis, hosted by Peter Topping. The positions are within a larger research consortium including also Andre Neves (Imperial) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge, Princeton), funded by EPSRC. The proposed start date is 1 SeptemberContinue Reading

Postdoc grants The FAPEAL (the Foundation for State of Alagoas Research), in partnership with CNPq, has opened a public call of 20 grants for the state of Alagoas (Brazil), each lasting up to three years. The benefits are:  Set up aid (= 2 grants) Shift aid (national exchanges) Research (from R$20,000Continue Reading

The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) offers 18 years of post-doctoral positions in mathematics and in computer science. These positions are for one or two year and are to be filled as from 1st October 2015 in one of the Mathematics Research Laboratories in Paris. More information at: Reading

The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT) is now considering applications for a 4-year Ph.D. program in 2014/2015. This is joint venture between Imperial College London, King’s College London and University College London. Our students share a common first year of specially tailored courses and mini research projects; laterContinue Reading

The Warwick Mathematics Institut (UK) is currently inviting applications for 12 month and 24 month postdoctoral positions in geometric analysis, hosted by Peter Topping. The positions are within a larger research consortium including also Andre Neves (Imperial) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge, Princeton), funded by EPSRC. The proposed start date isContinue Reading

Call for applications for an ESR (Early Stage Researcher) position: Applications are invited for a full-time ERS position (leading to a PhD degree) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, within the Marie Curie ITN project MAnET. Duration: 36 months Starting date: September 2014 Living allowance +Continue Reading