Postdoc grants The FAPEAL (the Foundation for State of Alagoas Research), in partnership with CNPq, has opened a public call of 20 grants for the state of Alagoas (Brazil), each lasting up to three years. The benefits are:  Set up aid (= 2 grants) Shift aid (national exchanges) Research (from R$20,000Continue Reading

The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) offers 18 years of post-doctoral positions in mathematics and in computer science. These positions are for one or two year and are to be filled as from 1st October 2015 in one of the Mathematics Research Laboratories in Paris. More information at: Reading

The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT) is now considering applications for a 4-year Ph.D. program in 2014/2015. This is joint venture between Imperial College London, King’s College London and University College London. Our students share a common first year of specially tailored courses and mini research projects; laterContinue Reading

The Warwick Mathematics Institut (UK) is currently inviting applications for 12 month and 24 month postdoctoral positions in geometric analysis, hosted by Peter Topping. The positions are within a larger research consortium including also Andre Neves (Imperial) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge, Princeton), funded by EPSRC. The proposed start date isContinue Reading

Call for applications for an ESR (Early Stage Researcher) position: Applications are invited for a full-time ERS position (leading to a PhD degree) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, within the Marie Curie ITN project MAnET. Duration: 36 months Starting date: September 2014 Living allowance +Continue Reading

One postdoctoral research position is available at Imperial College London to work on the research grant “Singular spaces of special and exceptional holonomy” with Professor Mark Haskins. The position is available for up to 18 months (depending on the starting date). Closing date for applications is 15 Jan 2014. FurtherContinue Reading

24 month postdoctoral position in geometric analysis at Imperial College, starting October 2014. The position is funded by ERC but it will be part of a larger research consortium including also Peter Topping (Warwick) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge), funded by a major Programme grant from EPSRC. Application deadline: 7 JanuaryContinue Reading

Three postdoctoral research positions are advertised at University College London: Research associate to work with Felix Schulze in geometric analysis. The post is partially funded by the project «Regularity and stability of curvature flows and their applicatons to geometric variational problems» of the German Research Foundation. Research Associate to work with Jason LotayContinue Reading

The topic of the thesis should fit the objectives of the research project: Geometry of Symmetric Spaces (MTM2012-34834), funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (see a description below). Principal investigator: Joan Porti, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Contact e-mail: How to apply and further information on Reading

The research group M2S2M (Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems) offers two 4-year term pre-doctoral contract to prepare a Ph D Thesis. The group M2S2M performs a research activity since 1982 in Computational Fluid Dynamics, dealing with numerical modeling of environmental flows (shallow water and oceanic flows), turbulence modeling, numericalContinue Reading