The announcement for a postdoc position in Berlin will be made public at the following site: The expected date of the announcement is March 9, or March 16 at the latest. As the ad is in German, here is a translation of the most important information. Applications may of courseContinue Reading

This program supports short visits between min 5 and max 15 days for foreign world-leading researchers to visit a Host Researcher at the Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL). Research collaborations are expected to be defined during the short visit and continued afterwards. Note that all the potential Guests must haveContinue Reading

Call for applications for a post-doctoral position (one year with possible one year renewal) at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, for collaboration on the scientific program: Variational and perturbative aspects of nonlinear differential problems. The interested candidates must hold a PhD degree in Mathematics orContinue Reading

Por operaciones de mantenimiento en Centros de Transformación en la UGR, se anuncia un corte en el suministro eléctrico de IEMath-GR el próximo 25 de julio, de 12 a 14 horas.Responsable del plan de mantenimiento: Manuel Jesús Cobo Santiago Ingeniero Técnico Industrial – Unidad Técnica UGR  Continue Reading

By using funds from the University of Granada, the IEMath-GR announces three new programs to be run in 2014: IEMath-GR support for the organization of Meetings / workshops IEMath-GR support for seminars / talks by prestigious senior researchers IEMath-GR support for visits of young talented researchers For more information, please click here.Continue Reading

As in previous years, the Research Group Problemas variacionales en Geometría (FQM 325, Junta de Andalucía) organizes the Geometry Day. The 2013 event will be held in the morning of next December 13 at the IEMath-GR (main conference room). Invited speakers: Esther Cabezas-Rivas (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) Tom Ilmanen (ETH Zürich) CamilloContinue Reading

Curso de Doctorado: Doctoral Intensive Week in PDEs and Applications Fechas: 21-25 de Octubre de 2013 Primera sesión: 21 de Octubre a las 9:00 horas Lugar: Seminario Alberto Dou (Aula 209), Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, UCM Organiza: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar en colaboración con el Proyecto Europeo FIRST CursoContinue Reading

Taller de Modelado basado en ecuaciones con COMSOL Multiphysics Imparte: Prof. Jesús H. Lucio García (Universidad de Burgos) Fecha: 10 de Octubre de 2013, de 10 a 14h Lugar: Seminario 306, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, UCM Organiza: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar en colaboración con el Grupo Momat y Addlink Reading

We have recently moved our former website to a more functional, WordPress based structure that allows to share more information with users (activities calendar, news, MathJax compatibility). We hope you find it helpful. Suggestions and comments are welcome at our email address, iemath(at)ugr.esContinue Reading

Doc Course: Some recent results in Real Analytic Geometry Prof. Francesca Acquistapace and Prof. Fabrizio Broglia Dates: Sept 10-13, 2013. First session: Sept10, at 10:30 AM. Place:  Seminar 238, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, UCM. Organized by: Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar, in collaboration with the Departament of Algebra and the researchContinue Reading