Doc-Course IEMath-GR, IMUS, University of Cádiz and University of Málaga. April-June 2018

Dear colleague,

This is an announcement of the post-graduate intensive school Doc-Course IEMath-Gr (, IMUS (, University of Cádiz ( and University of Málaga ( on

Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Numerics and Control,

to be held in Cádiz, Granada, Málaga and Sevilla, Spain, from April 2nd to June 8th, 2018. This Doc-Course has been proposed as an activity of IEMath-GR (the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada), IMUS (the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Sevilla) and the Universities of Cádiz and Málaga.

Please, find all related information in

There will be 20 grants covering the full cost of transfer to the seats and the accommodation and board at the residences.

Important dates:

– October 27, 2017: deadline for registration.
– November 3, 2017: publication of the provisional list of accepted students.
– November 18, 2017: deadline for the payment of registration fee.
– November 25, 2017: publication of the definitive list of accepted students.
– April 2, 2018: Begining of the Doc-Course. – June 8, 2018: End of the Doc-Course.

The Secretary of the IMUS will be in charge of all administrative procedures (phone: +34 95 5420842, E-mail: For additional information, you can also contact us, preferably by E-mail.

Please, feel free to forward this information to any student that might be interested in.

The organizers,

David Arcoya (
Manuel González-Burgos (
Francisco Ortegón Gallego (
Carlos Parés Madroñal (
Antonio Suárez (
Manuel González-Burgos
Dpto. Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Universidad de Sevilla
Tlfn.: + 34 95 455 79 99
Página web:

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