GENIL Strengthening through Short Visits (GENIL- SSV 2015)

This program supports short visits between min 5 and max 15 days for foreign world-leading researchers to visit a Host Researcher at the Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL). Research collaborations are expected to be defined during the short visit and continued afterwards. Note that all the potential Guests must have a continued scientific collaboration within the period 2009-2014 including JCR publications, participation in research projects, consolidated transfer activities, etc.


GENIL is a high-competitive project of the University of Granada (UGR) funded by the Campus of International Excellence BioTic GRANADA. GENIL Project is an umbrella organization for cross-talk activities of three high quality research institutes: The Research Center on Information and Communication Technology (CITIC-UGR), the University of Granada node of the Spanish Institute of Mathematics (IEMath-GR) and the Institute “Carlos I” for Computational and Theoretical Physics (iC1). Further information may be found at

Requirements for Hosts

  • A Host researcher must be an eligible member of the GENIL project, meaning any PhD researcher belonging to any of the three Centers members: CITIC-UGR, IEMath-GR or iC1.
  • Host researchers are not allowed to host more than two applications.
  • Host and Guest must have previously to the visit to Granada a recent and relevant scientific collaboration done within the period 2009-2014.

Requirements for Guests

  • A Guest researcher must have completed the PhD at the application time.
  • Guest researchers will have to give a talk after arrival to Granada, preferably encouraging the
    connections between his previous research and the new one to be developed. Host researchers shall inform in due time on this activity to the UGR community making reference to the GENIL program.

Required Documentation and deadlines

  • CV of both Host and Guest researchers, together with letter of acceptance of the guest.
  • Research proposal, max 1 page to be expected to be started at the short-visit and continued afterwards.
  • Justification of the collaboration between host and guest researcher.
  • Supporting statement letter by the Director of the Research Team to what the host belong, where the conditions of participation are clearly accepted.
  • Deadline: December 15, 2014 (just in case funding is not covered with the first call).
  • All the documentation, including the annexed form, must be sent to the e-mails: (Francisco Herrera), mgarenas@ugr,es (Maribel García)

Only electronic documentation will be accepted

 Evaluation Criteria

  • Scientific merit of research proposal (25%), Host researcher (25%), Guest researcher (25%), previous collaboration (25%).
  • Applications will be evaluated by the GENIL Steering Committee
  • The communication on the acceptance will be before December 23, 2014.

Working conditions

  • All GENIL-SSV visits have to be completed before March 30, 2015.
  • Guest Researchers will receive up to 2000 EUR, including allowances and travel expenses. Allowances are not VAT applicable.
  • After approval of any application, Host Researchers are responsible of making the payments and paperwork related to the corresponding Guest. When the visit have had performed by the Guest Researcher, GENIL program will transfer to the “Centro de Gasto” indicated by the Host Researcher the total budget of the invoices justified.
  • Duration of the visits can range between min 5 and max 15 days.


  • For administrative questions: Francisco Poyatos ( Phone: 958 241 308. Delegación del Rector para las TIC
  • For scientific questions: Francisco Herrera ( Phone: 958 244 017. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
  • About GENIL: José Luis Verdegay ( Phone: 958 241 000 Ext. 20222. Delegación del Rector para las TIC

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