Open position at the University of Rome

Call for applications for a post-doctoral position (one year with
possible one year renewal) at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, for collaboration on the scientific program:

Variational and perturbative aspects of nonlinear differential problems.

The interested candidates must hold a PhD degree in Mathematics or Physics at the moment of the application.
The selection for the position will be based on the CV and Publications list, in addition to an interview and it will be conducted via skipe for candidates with a residence away from Rome more than 500Km.
The beginning of the position is flexible within the following three-four months and can be
negotiated according to the candidate’s needs.


More detailed information about the position can be found in the attached document or at the following links:

University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

(Please click: Bando DD_n_2413 – seconda fascia – english version )

Link : European Union – section JOBS:

For further information, contact Gabriella Tarantello at

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