Postdoctoral position: Geometry and Global Analysis in Montpellier – France

One year post-doctoral position in Geometry and Global Analysis – Montpellier, France

A one year postdoctoral position is open at the University of Montpellier (France) in the Geometry and Global Analysis group of the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG).

The laureate will join the IMAG geometry team and participate in the activities of the project « Curvature contraints and spaces of metrics » (CCEM) funded by the French National Agency for Research. In particular, she/he will have the possibility to attend the summer school we organize at Institut Fourier, Grenoble, in the spring of 2021.

People at the IMAG involved in the project are Philippe Castillon, Marc Herzlich, Sylvain Maillot and Constantin Vernicos. If you want to know more about our activities, feel free to contact any of them.

How to apply:
Applicants should have completed their PhD before the starting of the position. The salary after the various deductions for social security and pension scheme will be about 2100 Euros per month. No teaching obligations. For additional information, please contact Philippe Castillon ( before applying.

Applications must contain a vitae (with one or two references, if possible), a description of past work and a description of the research project.

Send your application to Philippe Castillon ( before February 1st 2020.

Scientific description of the project « CCEM – Curvature constraints and spaces of metrics » (ANR grant 17-CE40-0034)

A fundamental problem in Riemannian geometry is to understand «spaces of metrics» satisfying various curvature constraints. These spaces can be endowed with topologies, as the Gromov-Hausdorff one. When non compact it is natural to try to complete them by introducing singular metrics. This has led to the definition of several classes of singular metric spaces, studied for their links to Riemannian manifolds but also for themselves. Our project gather French geometers specialists in topology, Ricci flow, analysis on manifolds and singular metrics spaces, with the aim to study these spaces of Riemannian or generalized metrics by combining our approaches and techniques. We envision questions of existence-uniqueness of «best metric» in a given class, of homotopy type of classes of metrics, generalizations of the theory of limits under Ricci bounds, as well as the study of some stratified spaces with conical iterated metrics.

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