12 PhD positions in Graz

There are 12 open PhD positions in the joint graduate program “discrete mathematics” of TU Graz and University of Graz.

Start date: 1 Oct, 2024

Deadline for applications: 31 March, 2024

The scope is much wider than discrete mathematics. In particular, algebra is included. Each doctoral student will have two advisors. The joint administration of the program by TU Graz and University of Graz guarantees a wide selection of special topics courses and a stimulating environment.

For more information, see https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docfunds.math.tugraz.at/__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!SPVrqKPUG9G4kFvLaq24dEP9EJBsN7cCTjWx8MGBhs5K14XHzGoqSVIhJYjweanCv1ZXAsrQFWSf8MmxXg$

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