Postdoc grants and visitor positions at UFAL

Postdoc grants

The FAPEAL (the Foundation for State of Alagoas Research), in
partnership with CNPq, has opened a public call of 20 grants for the state of Alagoas (Brazil), each lasting up to three years. The benefits are:

  •  Set up aid (= 2 grants)
  • Shift aid (national exchanges)
  • Research (from R$20,000 to R$25,000)

The scholarship amount depends on the time T after PhD thesis defense:

  • Category A (10 years ≤ T): R $ 6,200
  • Category B (5 years ≤ T ≤ 10 years): R$5,200
  • Category C (0 ≤ T ≤ 5 years): R$4,200

If the grant is made effective in UFAL after at least 6 months, the
amount will be 50% of the total.

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is October 15, 2015.

Visitor positions

It is also announced an open call for 2-3 positions of visiting professors at UFAL.
The selection process will be simplified, requiring only to send a CVita and a research project.

Researchers in UFAL are very interested in people committed to research
and with availability in tutoring master and doctoral levels in one of the areas
of our program (Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Analysis and Algebra).

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