This program supports short visits between min 5 and max 15 days for foreign world-leading researchers to visit a Host Researcher at the Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories (GENIL). Research collaborations are expected to be defined during the short visit and continued afterwards. Note that all the potential Guests must haveContinue Reading

The Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) offers 18 years of post-doctoral positions in mathematics and in computer science. These positions are for one or two year and are to be filled as from 1st October 2015 in one of the Mathematics Research Laboratories in Paris. More information at: Reading

The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (LSGNT) is now considering applications for a 4-year Ph.D. program in 2014/2015. This is joint venture between Imperial College London, King’s College London and University College London. Our students share a common first year of specially tailored courses and mini research projects; laterContinue Reading

The Warwick Mathematics Institut (UK) is currently inviting applications for 12 month and 24 month postdoctoral positions in geometric analysis, hosted by Peter Topping. The positions are within a larger research consortium including also Andre Neves (Imperial) and Mihalis Dafermos (Cambridge, Princeton), funded by EPSRC. The proposed start date isContinue Reading

Call for applications for a post-doctoral position (one year with possible one year renewal) at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, for collaboration on the scientific program: Variational and perturbative aspects of nonlinear differential problems. The interested candidates must hold a PhD degree in Mathematics orContinue Reading

Por operaciones de mantenimiento en Centros de Transformación en la UGR, se anuncia un corte en el suministro eléctrico de IEMath-GR el próximo 25 de julio, de 12 a 14 horas.Responsable del plan de mantenimiento: Manuel Jesús Cobo Santiago Ingeniero Técnico Industrial – Unidad Técnica UGR  Continue Reading

Lunes 2 de junio. 10:00 horas Conferenciante: Ronald Goldman (Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, EEUU) Título: Towards an Algebra for Rational Curves and Surfaces in Two and Three Dimensions Abstract Duración aproximada: 45 minutos Para conectarse por streaming desde cualquier equipo: Reading

By using funds from the University of Granada, the IEMath-GR announces three new programs to be run in 2014: IEMath-GR support for the organization of Meetings / workshops IEMath-GR support for seminars / talks by prestigious senior researchers IEMath-GR support for visits of young talented researchers For more information, please click here.Continue Reading

Martes 13 y Miércoles 14 de Mayo, 11:30 a 13:00 horas Viernes 16 de Mayo, 12: a 13:30 horas PROFESOR: Maciej Czarnecki ( Uniwersytet Łódzki ) CONTENIDO: 1. Hyperbolic and conformal geometry 2. Introduction to the theory of foliations 3. Description of foliations with specific geometric properties which are definedContinue Reading

Call for applications for an ESR (Early Stage Researcher) position: Applications are invited for a full-time ERS position (leading to a PhD degree) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, within the Marie Curie ITN project MAnET. Duration: 36 months Starting date: September 2014 Living allowance +Continue Reading

This workshop will address the lastest advances on PDEs in describing a wide range of problems on several fields (physics, biology, social sciences, …) from three point of views: modelling, analysis and numerical simulations. We will bring together specialists from several relevant research institutions with the goal of describing different techniques andContinue Reading