LMS-CMI Research School 4-8 July 2016, University of Reading, Reading, UK The school will cover important recent developments in three central areas of mathematical analysis, namely Calculus of Variations, Geometric nonlinear PDE and Mathematical Physics. For each of these research areas there will be a course consisting of two mini-coursesContinue Reading

El próximo jueves 26 de febrero se celebrará una Jornada multisede de IEMath con participación de todas sus sedes por medio del sistema de videoconferencias. El programa de la jornada es el siguiente: 10:30. Apertura: Marina Villegas, directora General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, MINECO 10:45-11:30. Juan Viaño, presidente deContinue Reading

Lunes 2 de junio. 10:00 horas Conferenciante: Ronald Goldman (Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, EEUU) Título: Towards an Algebra for Rational Curves and Surfaces in Two and Three Dimensions Abstract Duración aproximada: 45 minutos Para conectarse por streaming desde cualquier equipo: http://videocenter.iemath.org/videos/Continue Reading

This workshop will address the lastest advances on PDEs in describing a wide range of problems on several fields (physics, biology, social sciences, …) from three point of views: modelling, analysis and numerical simulations. We will bring together specialists from several relevant research institutions with the goal of describing different techniques andContinue Reading

Title of the CIME School: Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory’ When: June 2 – 7, 2014 Where:  Cetraro, Italy Courses: Henry Berestycki (Centre d’analyse et de math. sociales, France):  Reaction-diffusion and propagation in non-homogeneous media Camillo De Lellis (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland):  The h-principle, the Nash-Kuiper theorem and the EulerContinue Reading