María Alonso Pena, actualmente profesora ayudante doctora en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, y que ha sido investigadora posdoctoral del IMAG, ha sido galardonada con uno de los Premios de Investigación Matemática Vicent Caselles 2024. Los resultados de su investigación constan de novedosas propuestas metodológicas en el campo deContinue Reading

The purpose of this conference is to bring together several international experts on geometry and geometric analysis, including in topics such as mean curvature flow, singularity analysis in flows, minimal surfaces, constant mean curvature surfaces and geometric partial differential equations. Speakers David Hoffman (Stanford) Nikolaos Kapouleas (Brown) Robert Kusner (Amherst)Continue Reading

There are 12 open PhD positions in the joint graduate program «discrete mathematics» of TU Graz and University of Graz. Start date: 1 Oct, 2024 Deadline for applications: 31 March, 2024 The scope is much wider than discrete mathematics. In particular, algebra is included. Each doctoral student will have twoContinue Reading

The Department of Mathematical Sciences (joint department of Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg) is advertising 12 PhD student positions. Students interested in NCG or operator algebras should apply to the position in the division Analysis and Probability Theory, referencing for example one or more of the followingContinue Reading

«18th INTERNATIONAL YOUNG RESEARCHERS WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRY, DYNAMICS, AND FIELD THEORY» in the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw from February 21 to 23, 2024. The conference covers topics such as mathematical physics, differential geometry, dynamical systems, field theory, control theory, applications of geometric methods, etc. It isContinue Reading

We are looking for an outstanding early career scientist working on the theory and the application of geometric partial differential equations. The tenure-track professorship Geometric Partial Differential Equations will be embedded into the faculty’s key research area Analysis, Geometric Structures, and Mathematical Physics. Please, see the following link for details:Continue Reading

We are pleased to announce a one-year postdoctoral position (Assegno di Ricerca) in L’Aquila. The position is funded by the PRIN project «Differential-geometric Aspects of Manifolds via Global Analysis.» The salary is approximately €1450 after taxes, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. The research will focus onContinue Reading