King’s College London offers a joint PhD program with University College Londond and Imperial College London. Applications for entry in 2017 will be opening in November 2016. See more information at: Contact: Giuseppe Tinaglia, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London.Continue Reading

Recently, it has been established an interdisciplinary Master’s programme in both pure and applied mathematics at Postdam University Students interested in a Master in Mathematics in Potsdam are encouraged to contact before sending in their application through the university applications portal as detailed here: Application summer termContinue Reading

Application Deadline: August 31, 2016 The Africa Mathematics Project (AMP) of the Simons Foundation invites applications for grants to support mathematical activities in Africa, including research of faculty at African universities, the training of graduate students, and the organization of international exchanges and conferences. Deadline for submission of proposals isContinue Reading

Desde IEMath-GR nos hacemos eco del siguiente comunicado de la RSME sobre Escuelas CIMPA, y animamos a los interesados a contactar con la RSME sobre el tema, por medio de Magdalena Rodríguez (magdarp(arroba), vocal de la Junta de Gobierno de la RSME. ____________________________ El CIMPA acaba de abrir la convocatoriaContinue Reading

We are pleased to announce the third Nanomath conference, to be held in Toulouse, 27-30 June 2016. (registration deadline 10 June 2016) Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing and exciting research area that is constantly issuing new challenges. Despite extensive research in this field, many breakthroughs and advances are theContinue Reading

La tecnología matemática proporciona soluciones avanzadas a problemas complejos que encuentran empresas y administración en el desarrollo de su actividad productiva. El Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS) y la red Math-In organizan una amplia actividad de transferencia de tecnología matemática en muy diversos sectores.   EstaContinue Reading

The Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems of the Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon in Portugal invites applications for 2 postdoctoral positions for research in Mathematics. Positions are for one year, with possibility of renewal for a second year upon mutual agreement and availability ofContinue Reading

El día 7 de octubre de 2015 se celebrará en el MINECO una jornada informativa nacional sobre “Actividades y Oportunidades de Colaboración con el Joint Research Centre (JRC)”.  El JRC es el servicio de investigación de la Comisión Europea para apoyo a sus políticas, es independiente de los EEMM y PA.Continue Reading

El Comité de Política Científica de la Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en el Reino Unido (CERU) ha elaborado recientemente un informe sobre política de inversión en I+D , destinado a promover debate científico, reuniones con partidos políticos y con autoridades de la Administración.  La CERU cuenta con unos 400 socios profesionalesContinue Reading

Se anuncia la celebración del curso de “Técnicas Estadísticas de Data Mining con R” que se impartirá en el Instituto IMDEA Alimentación en Madrid los días 14, 15, 16 y 17 de diciembre de 2015. En este curso se han reunido una serie de técnicas procedentes de distintos campos como elContinue Reading

There are three PhD programs in Mathematics In Rome, hosted by the Universities «Roma Sapienza», «Roma Tor Vergata» and «Roma Tre». Starting this year, the three universities are coordinating the activities of the PhD programs to create a unique global environment for their students, through a common organization of theContinue Reading

Applications are invited for the post of a 2-year Post-doctoral Research Associate in Geometric Analysis in the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London, UK. Starting date: September 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter. Funded by EPSRC, the successful candidate will be working under the supervision of GiuseppeContinue Reading

The Instituto de Matemáticas at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, seeks candidates for full-time tenure-track professor positions in the area of Differential Geometry and affine areas, starting on August 1st, 2015. More info here.   Open call for two positions of Researcher in the Institute of MathematicsContinue Reading