Detalles de Evento

Title: Nodal solutions for the Choquard equation
Speaker: Jean Van Schaftingen (Université Catholique de Louvain La Neuve)
Abstract: In this talk, we shall consider the Choquard equation, also known as Schrödinger−Newton and Hartree equation. The goal will be to construct the simplest solutions beyond groundstates. In contrast with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, this equation admits least action odd solutions and least action nodal solutions. The construction are based on a Palais−Smale condition under a strict inequality condition and a new minimax characterization of minimal action nodal solutions. This is joint work with Marco Ghimenti (Pisa) and Vitaly Moroz (Swansea).
3 November, 12:30, First Floor Seminar Room, IEMath-GR
More information about the Differential Equations Seminar here.