Detalles de Evento
Título: The wedge theorem for ancient mean curvature flows. Conferenciante: Niels Martin Moller, University of Copenhagen . Abstract: We show that a wedge theorem (also called a bi-halfspace theorem) holds for properly immersed ancient solutions to the mean curvature flow in n-dimensional Euclidean space. This adds to a long story, as it generalizes our own wedge theorem for self-translators from 2018, which implies the minimal surface case by Hoffman-Meeks (1990) that in turn contains the classical cone theorem by Omori (1967). Another application of the wedge theorem is to classify the convex hulls of the sets of reach of all proper ancient flows, hence posing restrictions on the possible singularities that can occur in mean curvature flow. The proof uses a parabolic Omori-Yau maximum principle for proper ancient flows. This is joint work with Francesco Chini (Univ. Copenhagen).