Detalles de Evento
This is the first announcement of the "X International meeting on Lorentzian Geometry". This edition will take place in Córdoba (Spain) on June 2-5, 2020.
The provisional webpage of the conference is but its final location will be
The meeting is intended for all kind of researchers interested in Lorentz Geometry and its applications to General Relativity.
For PhD students the meeting will represent an ideal way to have their first contact with current research topics on the subject. Furthermore, an advanced course given by an expert will be organized.
For senior researchers, this lorentzian geometry meeting series bring an oportunity to exhibit their latest results and to create new ways of collaboration.
The following speakers have already confirmed their acceptance:
- Rodrigo Ávalos (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil).
- Vicente Cortés (University of Hamburg, Germany).
- Charles Frances (University of Strasbourg, France).
- James Grant (University of Surrey, U. Kingdom).
- Miguel Ángel Javaloyes (University of Murcia, Spain).
- Thomas Leistner (University of Adelaide, Australia).
- Jorge H. de Lira (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil).
- Pawel Nurowski (University of Warsaw, Poland).
- Óscar Palmas (Autonomous University of Yucatán, Mexico).
- Andrea Seppi (Grenoble Alps University, France).
- Christina Sormani (The City University of New York, USA).
- Luis J. Alías (University of Murcia, Spain).
- Anna María Candela (University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy).
- Eduardo García-Río (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
- Jónatan Herrera (University of Córdoba, Spain).
- Paolo Piccione (University of São Paulo, Brazil).
- Miguel Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain).
- Didier Solis (Autonomous University of Yucatán, Mexico).
- Roland Steinbauer (University of Vienna, Austria).
- Abdelghani Zeghib (École Normale supérieure de Lyon, France).
- Alma L. Albujer (University of Córdoba, Spain).
- Magdalena Caballero (University of Córdoba, Spain).
- Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo (Charles University, Czech Republic).
- Jónatan Herrera (University of Córdoba, Spain).
- Miguel Ortega (University of Granada, Spain).
- Rafael M. Rubio (University of Córdoba, Spain).
Submission of contributions, February 28, 2020
Notification of acceptance, March 20, 2020
Early bird registration, April 15, 2020
All the relevant information regarding the registration and the abstract submission can be found in the webpage.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us in the following