Event Details

June 2-7, 2024

The Institute of Mathematics at the University of Granada will host the "From Evolution to Bioengineering of Biological Patterning Mechanisms – Mathematical Advances and Challenges" workshop at the University of Granada (IMAG) in Spain, from June 2 - 7, 2024.

The focus of the workshop will be on the principles of self-organisation that developing systems harness when translating the linear information contained in their DNA into the sophisticated 3D tissue architectures that enables complex life. Understanding the principles of self-organisation will likely provide new insights into the evolution of complex life, and enable a new era of bioengineering. As it stands, it is unclear how seemingly similar molecular mechanisms can operate over different spatial and temporal scales, and how organ morphology is determined during embryogenesis and varies during evolution. As these self-organising principles are also at play in stem cell-based tissue engineering efforts, stem-cell based work can both inform modelling efforts and profit from new theoretical insights, ideally enabling the directed evolution of new tissue types and capabilities.

Online Attendance

The talks of this workshop will be broadcast via Google Meet, and they can be followed at https://meet.google.com/dht-xrux-sjj


Schedule for: 24w5202.

BIRS website.


  • Dagmar Iber (ETH Zürich)
  • Fernando Casares (CABD-Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology, CSIC/Univ. Pablo de Olavide/JA)
  • Kristina Haase (EMBL)
  • David M. Umulis (Purdue University)