Event Details

  • Start: 26 October 2022
  • End: 28 October 2022
  • Categories:

The Young Researcher's Workshop on Nonlocal PDEs and Applications will take place at the University of Granada from October 26 to 28, 2022. This event is part of the Red de EDPs No Locales y Aplicaciones, and will include 15 talks on the topic from both young and established speakers, with a focus on early-stage researchers. The workshop is open to all aspects of nonlocal partial differential equations (analysis, simulation and applications) and aims at promoting the interaction among the several groups working on the topic in Spain. This event is organised by José Cañizo and Juan Soler (Universidad de Granada).

Further information can be found at the event's website: https://wpd.ugr.es/~red.edps.nl/meetings/young-researchers-workshop-on-nonlocal-pdes-and-applications/