Event Details
Title: Study of real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-planeGrassmannians with Ricci tensors
Speaker:Changhwa Woo (Kyungpook National University)
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new commuting condition between the structure Jacobi operator and symmetric (1,1)-type tensor field $T$, that is, $R_{\xi}\phi T=TR_{\xi}\phi$, where $T=A$ or $T=S$ for Hopf hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians. By using simultaneous diagonalzation for commuting symmetric operators, We give a complete classification of real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians with commuting condition respectively.
26 February 2016, 11:30, 1st floor Seminar room, IEMath-GR
More information about the Geometry Seminar in http://wdb.ugr.es/~geometry/seminar/es