Event Details
Title: Submersions, Lie groups and Killing Vector Fields to Study Translating Solitons of the Mean Curvature Flow.
Speaker: Miguel Ortega Titos (UGR).
Graphical translating solitons of the mean curvature flow (translators) can be studied in many ambient manifolds. Some authors have used rotationally invariant settings to work with an ODE. We recall the associated PDE in a semi-riemannian setting for product manifolds. We apply these ideas to study translators in Minkowski space which are invariant by the orthogonal group and the orthochronus group. One step further, when the ambient manifold admits a non-unit, non-vanishing Killing vector field, it can be seen as a warped product. Then, it is possible to make a similar study. We obtain the corresponding PDE and make a general theory for the reduction to an ODE. We will show some new examples in this way.
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