Event Details

First announcement of the conference “Symmetry and shape - Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. J. Berndt"

This is the first announcement of the conference “Symmetry and shape - Celebrating the 60th birthday of Prof. J. Berndt”, that will be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), from 28th to 31st October 2019.

The aim of this conference is to gather experts in the study of symmetry in submanifold geometry, whilst we celebrate Jürgen Berndt's 60th birthday. The conference will revolve around the study of submanifolds of symmetric spaces, homogeneous submanifolds, including cohomogeneity one and polar actions, their characterization via concepts like isoparametric submanifolds or singular Riemannian foliations, and their interaction with other topics in Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis.

Web page: http://xtsunxet.usc.es/berndt2019/

Registration: congreso.berndt2019@usc.es

Deadline for registration: 30th September 2019.

Deadline for submitting contributions (short talk or a poster): 31st July 2019.

The general conference fee is 50€. Registration for PhD students is free.

We will offer a limited number of grants to cover accommodation for PhD students and postdocs. If you want to apply for one of these grants, please indicate so upon registration.

Main speakers

  • Marcos Alexandrino, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
  • José Carlos Díaz Ramos, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Antonio Di Scala, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Claudio Gorodski, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
  • Andreas Kollross, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
  • Thomas Murphy, Cal. State Fullerton, USA
  • Yoshihiro Ohnita, Osaka City University, Japan
  • Carlos Olmos, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
  • Evangelia Samiou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Anna Siffert, Max-Planck-Institut, Germany
  • Young Jin Suh, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
  • Hiroshi Tamaru, Osaka City University, Japan