Event Details

Differential Equations Seminar

Title: The superposition of operators of mixed fractional order.

Speaker: Caterina Sportelli (University of Western Australia).

Abstract: In this talk we introduce the superposition operator

\(\displaystyle \int_{[0,1]}(-\Delta)^s u\, d\mu(s),\qquad\quad (1)\)

where \(\mu\) denotes a (Borel) signed measure on the fractional interval \([0, 1]\). The signed measure is supposed to possess a positive contribution coming from the higher exponents that overcomes its negative contribution (if any).
We discuss the existence of solutions to certain problems in the presence of the operator \( (1) \), subject to different boundary conditions.
These results are part of some joint works with Serena Dipierro, Enrico Valdinoci and Edoardo Proietti Lippi.

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