Foundation as an UGR universitary institute

Act of the extraordinary session of the UGR Council that took place on May 18th 2015, where the foundation of the institute was approved.
Internal bylaw of the institute.

Organization chart

Governance Committees

Institute Council

It consists of the members of the institute (UGR staff), with a representation of administrative and service staff, and students following their postgraduate courses at the Institute. It is presided by the Director of the Institute, and the Secretary will act as Secretary of the Council.

Agreements of the Institute Council:

Agreetments on the Andalusian Institute of Mathematics

Agreetment between University of Granada and University of Sevilla for the creation of the IAMAT: IAMAT CONVENIO 2023 (Firmado por UGR y US en 2023_07)

IAMAT Operating Regulations approved by the Governing Council of the University of Granada on 21 May 2024:Boletín Oficial de la Universidad de Granada nº 238_2

Approval of the Regulation by the University of Sevilla:

Governance Commission

This is the executive and economic affairs council. Its members are the Director, Vice-Director and Secretary of the Institute, together with two researchers of the institute, elected by the Institute Council on March 18, 2022:

External Relations and Cooperation Commission

Elected by the Institute Council on March 18 2022:

  • Ana María Aguilera
  • Víctor Blanco
  • Lidia Fernández
  • Pedro A. García
  • Pascual Jara
  • Miguel Martín
  • Alfonso Romero
  • María Victoria Velasco

Outreach Commission

Elected by the Institute Council on March 18 2022:

  • Juan José Nieto
  • Teresa E. Pérez
  • Miguel Luis Rodríguez
  • M. Magdalena Rodríguez

Transfer Commission

Elected by the Institute Council on March 18 2022:

  • Ana Aguilera
  • Javier Lobillo
  • María del Mar Rueda
  • María Dolores Ruiz

Working Group on Equality and Gender

  • Mª José Cáceres
  • Lidia Fernández
  • Miguel Martín
  • Joaquín Pérez

Academic Commission

Elected by the Institute on March 18 2022:

  • Representative of the Master Program “Fisymat”
  • Representative of the Master Program “Matemáticas”
  • Representative of the Master Program “Estadística Aplicada”
  • Representative of the Doctoral Program “Fisymat”
  • Representative of the Doctoral Program “Matemáticas”
  • Representative of the Doctoral Program “Estadística Matemática y Aplicada”

Occupational Risk Prevention Commission

Elected by the Institute Council on March 18 2022:

  • Miguel Sánchez
  • Teresa E. Pérez
  • Guadalupe Sánchez

Election Board

Elected by the Institute Council on March 18 2022:

  • Antonio Martínez
  • Juan Francisco Mena
  • Maribel Berenger

Personal positions at the institute


Miguel Sánchez, Department of Geometry and Topology. Elected by the Institute Council for a six-year term and appointed by the Rector on December 22, 2023. He succeeds Joaquín Pérez, who held the position since September 23, 2015.


Teresa E. Pérez, Departament of Applied Mathematics. Proposed by the Director of the Institute among the members of the Institute (UGR Staff).

Vice Director

Miguel Martín, Departament of Mathematical Analysis. Proposed by the Director of the Insitute among the UGR staff members.

PI of the Excellence Seal “María de Maeztu” CEX2020-001105-M

Joaquín Pérez

Coordinator IMAG for the Banff International Research Station (BIRS)

José A. Cañizo

Coordinator for the creation of the inter-universitary Institute of Mathematical Research (IAMAT)

Víctor Blanco

Administrative Staff

Guadalupe Sánchez Baena

Technical Staff

Lourdes Navarrete Pérez

Communications and Outreach Manager

Óscar Huertas Rosales

External Scientific Committee

  • Tobias H Colding (MIT)
  • Gilles Godefroy (Paris VI, Jussieu)
  • Nassif Ghoussoub (British Columbia)
  • Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford)
  • Clément Mouhot (Univ Cambridge, UK)
  • Barbara Nelli (Univ L’Aquila, Italy)
  • Sylvia Serfaty (Courant Institute / NYU)
  • María Dolores Ugarte (Public Univ Navarra)
  • Wenceslao González-Manteiga (Univ Santiago Compostela)

Research Commission

Advisory board, elected by the Institute. Most of the research areas at the institute should be represented in this board. Its president will be the Director of the Institute, and a member designated by the president will act as a secretary. Members elected on March 6 2020. Members with (*) form the sub-Commision encharged of evaluation of the Scientific proposals sent within the Support Program of the Institute:

  • Ana María Aguilera (*)
  • José Miguel Angulo
  • Antonio Arcos
  • Jose A. Cañizo (*)
  • Pilar Carrasco
  • Jose Antonio Gálvez
  • Pedro García Sánchez (*)
  • Josefa Linares
  • Ginés López
  • Miguel Martín (*)
  • Antonio Peralta (*)
  • Joaquín Pérez (*)
  • Teresa E. Pérez
  • M. Magdalena Rodríguez
  • Alfonso Romero
  • Antonio Ros
  • María del Mar Rueda
  • David Ruiz (*)
  • Manuel Ruiz Galán
  • María Dolores Ruiz Medina (*)
  • Miguel Sánchez (*)
  • Francisco Torralbo
  • Francisco de Asís Torres
  • Pedro Torres (*)
  • Salvador Villegas