Links of interest
- Universidad de Granada, UGR
- Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica y Prevención de Desastres Sísmicos, IAGPDS.
- Instituto Geográfico Nacional, IGN.
- Instituto Geológico y Marino Español, IGME.
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV.
- Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, UNRN.
- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET.
- NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA PMEL.
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM.
- Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, AWI.
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam – Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ.
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN.
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC.
- NASA GSFC / University of Maryland.
- Universidad de Jaén, UJA.
- University of Washington.
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNPL.
- Department of Physics, University of Cambridge.
- Unidad de Tecnológia Marina, UTM.
- BIO Hespérides, Armada, (Spanish Polar Vessel)
- Base Gabriel de Castilla, BAE. GdC, (Spanish Antarctic Base)
- Base Juan Carlos I, BAE JCI, (Spanish Antarctic Base)
- GFZ Helmholtz Centre Postdam, Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam, GIPP.
- Council of Managers of National Antartic Programs, CONMAP.
- Centro Nacional de Datos Polares, CNDP.
- Marine Geosciencie Data System, Global Multi-Resolution Topography Data Synthesis, GMRT.
- El escarabajo verde.
- Lab24.
- Científicos de la Universidad de Granada viajan a la Antártida para estudiar su actividad sísmica, Canal-UGR.
Scientific Articles.
[1] Morales, V. J., Almendros, J., & Carmona, E. (2017). Detection of long-duration tremors at Deception Island volcano, Antarctica. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.
[2] Catalán, M., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Davila, J. M., Martos, Y. M., Maldonado, A., Gambôa, L., & Schreider, A. A. (2013). Initial stages of oceanic spreading in the Bransfield Rift from magnetic and gravity data analysis. Tectonophysics, 585, 102-112.
[3] Dziak, R. P., Park, M., Lee, W. S., Matsumoto, H., Bohnenstiehl, D. R., & Haxel, J. H. (2010). Tectonomagmatic activity and ice dynamics in the Bransfield Strait back‐arc basin, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B1) ,.
[4] Galindo-Zaldı́var, J., Gamboa, L., Maldonado, A., Nakao, S., & Bochu, Y. (2004). Tectonic development of the Bransfield Basin and its prolongation to the South Scotia Ridge, northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Geology, 206(1), 267-282.
[5] Christeson, G. L., Barker, D. H., Austin, J. A., & Dalziel, I. W. (2003). Deep crustal structure of Bransfield Strait: Initiation of a back arc basin by rift reactivation and propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108(B10). DOI: 10.1029/2003JB002468
[6] Maurice, R., Stacey, D., Wiens, D. A., Shore, P. J., Vera, E., & Dorman, L. M. (2003). Seismicity and tectonics of the South Shetland Islands and Bransfield Strait from a regional broadband seismograph deployment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108(B10). DOI: 10.1029/2003JB002416
[7] González-Casado, J. M., Robles, J. L. G., & López-Martínez, J. (2000). Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula: not a normal backarc basin. Geology, 28(11), 1043-1046,<1043:BBAPNA>2.0.CO;2
[8] Grad, M., Shiobara, H., Janik, T., Guterch, A., & Shimamura, H. (1997). Crustal model of the Bransfield Rift, West Antarctica, from detailed OBS refraction experiments. Geophysical Journal International, 130(2), 506-518.
[9] Ibáñez, J. M., Morales, J., Alguacil, G., Almendros, J., Oritz, R., & Del Pezzo, E. (1997). Intermediate‐focus earthquakes under South Shetland Islands (Antarctica’. Geophysical research letters, 24(5), 531-534. DOI: 10.1029/97GL00314
[10] Pelayo, A. M., & Wiens, D. A. (1989). Seismotectonics and relative plate motions in the Scotia Sea region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 94(B6), 7293-7320. DOI: 10.1029/JB094iB06p07293