Event Details

Fecha y hora: 13 de mayo de 2019, 10:00
Lugar: Seminario 1ª planta, IEMath-GR

Título de la conferencia: Asymptotic-preserving and positivity-preserving numerical methods for a class of stiff kinetic equations.
Conferenciante: Jingwei Hu (Purdue University)
Abstract: Kinetic equations play an important role in multiscale modeling hierarchy. It serves as a basic building block that connects the microscopic particle models and macroscopic continuum models. Numerically approximating kinetic equations presents several difficulties:

  1. high dimensionality (the equation is in phase space);
  2. nonlinearity and stiffness of the collision/interaction terms;
  3. positivity of the solution (the unknown is a probability density function);
  4. consistency to the limiting fluid models; etc.
I will start with a brief overview of the kinetic equations including the Boltzmann equation and the Fokker-Planck equation, and then discuss in particular our recent effort of constructing efficient and robust numerical methods for these equations, overcoming some of the aforementioned difficulties.