El 23 de diciembre se convocó en BOJA la convocatoria de la plaza de Ayudante Doctor Nº de plaza AYL-2024-0104 ÁREA DE MATEMÁTICA APLICADA. Perfil docente: Asignaturas del área de conocimiento adscritas al departamento. Perfil investigador: Líneas de investigación relacionadas con el área de conocimiento adscritas al departamento. Dedicación: TiempoContinue Reading

Tenure-track researcher (RTT) position in Geometry at the University of l’Aquila The University of L’Aquila (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila) announces the opening of a tenure-track researcher (RTT) position in Geometry: English: https://www.univaq.it/en/include/utilities/blob.php?table=concorso_doc&id=386&item=bando_en Italian: https://www.univaq.it/include/utilities/blob.php?table=concorso_doc&id=386&item=bando The deadline for submitting applications is 12 December 2024, at 1:00 pm (GMT+1).Continue Reading

Se han publicado en la web del vicerrectorado de investigación y transferencia dos ofertas de empleo en IMAG: una de gestor de Proyectos y una de técnico de medios digitales. Plaza para gestor de proyectos: Jornada completa Retribución mensual bruta: 2.700€ Duración del contrato: Indefinido Tareas a realizar: • GestiónContinue Reading

There are 12 open PhD positions in the joint graduate program “discrete mathematics” of TU Graz and University of Graz. Start date: 1 Oct, 2024 Deadline for applications: 31 March, 2024 The scope is much wider than discrete mathematics. In particular, algebra is included. Each doctoral student will have twoContinue Reading

The Department of Mathematical Sciences (joint department of Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg) is advertising 12 PhD student positions. Students interested in NCG or operator algebras should apply to the position in the division Analysis and Probability Theory, referencing for example one or more of the followingContinue Reading

We are looking for an outstanding early career scientist working on the theory and the application of geometric partial differential equations. The tenure-track professorship Geometric Partial Differential Equations will be embedded into the faculty’s key research area Analysis, Geometric Structures, and Mathematical Physics. Please, see the following link for details:Continue Reading

We are pleased to announce a one-year postdoctoral position (Assegno di Ricerca) in L’Aquila. The position is funded by the PRIN project “Differential-geometric Aspects of Manifolds via Global Analysis.” The salary is approximately €1450 after taxes, with the possibility of renewal for a second year. The research will focus onContinue Reading

The group of Singularities of the Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo (ICMC-USP), in São Carlos, Brazil, welcomes applications for a one-year post-doctoral position in Singularity Theory, with the possibility of an extension for one more year. The research activities are related to the FAPESPContinue Reading