Detalles de Evento

  • Inicio: 9 febrero 2022 12:00
  • Final: 9 febrero 2022 13:00
  • Categorías: ,
  • Speaker: Jing Wu
    Where: Seminario 2
    Institution: Universidad de Granada

Seminario de Jóvenes Investigadores

Resumen: In this talk we shall show a proof for the existence of solutions to a general semilinear elliptic problem with overdetermined boundary conditions. The proof uses a local bifurcation argument from the straight cylinder, in analogy with the onduloids and the theory of Constant Mean Curvature surfaces. Such examples have been found already for linear problems or with nonlinearity \(f(u)=1\). In this work we are able to extend this phenomenon for a large class of functions \(f(u)\).