The BIRS-IMAG 2023 scientific program will take place from May to June 2023, with four workshops to take place at IMAG, Granada. The list of workshops is available at These talks are open to the participation of people affiliated to the UGR, the only restriction is the capacity ofContinue Reading

As a joint activity developed by Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), the mixed center of CSIC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Granada (IMAG), we offer 20 full grants for attending a 3 weeks graduate intensiveContinue Reading

Subprograma Estatal de Formación del Programa Estatal para Desarrollar, Atraer y Retener Talento, en el marco del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023, en régimen de concurrencia competitiva y aplicando los principios de publicidad y objetividadContinue Reading