Event Details
This event finished on 06 September 2016.
Título del seminario: Magnetic maps
Conferenciante: Marian I. Munteanu ("Al.I.Cuza" University of Iasi)
Abstract: We present some basic notions on magnetic curves on Riemannian manifolds and give several examples in dimension 3, emphasizing the case of Killing magnetic curves. We present some results on magnetic curves in almost contact metric geometry in arbitrary dimension. Later on we introduce the notion of magnetic map between Riemannian manifolds. Magnetic maps are generalizations of both magnetic curves and harmonic maps. We provide some fundamental examples of them.
Further on we describe the problem in almost contact metric geometry. Then we produce examples of magnetic maps, having as either source or target manifold
the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold equipped with several Riemannian metrics. In particular we study when the canonical projection, a vector field and the tangent map are, respectively, magnetic maps.
- Magnetic curves on Riemannian manifolds
- Geodesics and harmonic maps
- Magnetic maps: definition and first examples
- Magnetic maps in almost contact metric geometry
- Magnetic maps and tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold
Aula: A-25
Duración: 8 horas
Horario: Lunes 12/sep (9-10h), Martes 13/sep (9-11h), Miércoles 14/sep (9-11h), Jueves 15/sep (9-11h) y Viernes 16/sep (12-13h)
Dirigido a cualquier miembro de la sección de matemáticas y a estudiantes de grado y posgrado con conocimientos básicos de geometría riemanniana.
Contacto: Rafael López (rcamino@ugr.es)