Event Details

  • Start: 4 November 2022 12:00
  • End: 4 November 2022 13:00
  • Categories: ,
  • Where: Seminario 1
    Speaker: Helge Dieter
    Institution: CNRS & Institute of Mathematics of the University of Leipzig

Seminario de Ecuaciones Diferenciales

Ponente: Helge Dieter (CNRS & Institute of Mathematics of the University of Leipzig)

Abstract: Motivated by a popular kinetic model by Saintillan and Shelley for the dynamics of suspensions of active elongated particles, we study phase-mixing and enhanced dissipation on the sphere. In particular, we show that, up to log errors, the phase mixing estimate persists until the enhanced dissipation takes over. This is proved by combining an optimized hypocoercive approach with the vector field method. Joint work with Michele Coti Zelati and David Gérard-Varet (https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.08431).