Event Details

  • Start: 2 July 2020 17:00
  • End: 2 July 2020 18:00
  • Categories:
  • Where: Virtual room
    Speaker: Mariel Sáez
    Institution: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Short-time existence for the network flow
Mariel Sáez (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
The network flow is a system of parabolic differential equations that describes the motion of a family of curves in which each of them evolves under curve-shortening flow. This problem arises naturally in physical phenomena and its solutions present a rich variety of behaviors. The goal of this talk is to describe some properties of this geometric flow and to discuss an alternative proof of short-time existence for non-regular initial conditions. The methods of our proof are based on techniques of geometric microlocal analysis that have been used to understand parabolic problems on spaces with conic singularities. This is joint work with Jorge Lira, Rafe Mazzeo, and Alessandra Pluda.
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