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Gráficos de curvatura media constante con valores de frontera ilimitados

Universidad Federal Fluminense

Construiremos gráficos de curvatura media constante con valores de frontera, posiblemente, ilimitados en \(M\times\mathbb{R}\), donde \(M\) es una variedad completa, simplemente conexa con curvatura limitada superiormente por una constante negativa.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-GR

Nahm's equations, orbits, and Lie superalgebras

Institut für Differentialgeometrie. Leibniz Universität Hannover

Nahm's equations are Lie-algebra valued ordinary differential equations which have been used to construct hyperkaehler metrics on many interesting manifolds, in particular on coadjoint orbit of complex semisimple Lie groups. These in turn found several applications in Lie theory and iin representtation theory. In my talk I shall present a new interpretation of Nahm's equations and of the hyperkaehler structure on coadjoint orbits.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-GR

Calabi-Bernstein results in Lorentzian product spaces

Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia

We deal with two-sided complete hypersurfaces immersed in a Lorentzian product space, whose base is supposed to have sectional curvature bounded from below. In this setting, we obtain suffi cient conditions which assure that such a spacelike hypersurface is a slice of the ambient space, provided that its angle function has some suitable behavior. Furthermore, we establish a natural relation between our results and the classical problem of to describe the geometry of a hypersurface immersed in the Euclidean space through the behavior of its Gauss map.

seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

ODE solutions for the fractional Laplacian equations arising in conformal geometry

Universidad Politécnica de Calaluña

We construct some ODE solutions for the fractional Yamabe problem in conformal geometry. The fractional curvature, a generalization of the usual scalar curvature, is defined from the conformal fractional Laplacian, which is a non-local operator constructed on the conformal infinity of a conformally compact Einstein manifold. These ODE solutions are a generalization of the usual Delaunay and, in particular, solve the fractional Yamabe problem with an isolated singularity at the origin $(-\Delta)^{\gamma} u= c_{n, {\gamma}}u^{\frac{n+2\gamma}{n-2\gamma}}, u>0.$ This is a fractional order ODE for which new tools need to be developed. The key of the proof is the computation of the fractional Laplacian in polar coordinates.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Area minimizing vector fields on spheres

Universidad de Valencia

A vector field $V$ on a $n$-dimensional round sphere $S^n(r)$ defines a submanifold $V(S^n)$ of the tangent bundle $TS^n$. A natural question, that goes back to the pioneering work of H. Gluck and W. Ziller in the 80's, is to ask for the (absolute) minimizers of the area (i.e. the $n$-dimensional volume ) of $V(S^n)$ among smooth unit vector fields. This volume is computed with respect to the natural metric on the tangent bundle as defined by Sasaki. Surprisingly, the problem is only completely solved for dimension three. Nevertheless, a number of important advances towards a possible solution have been obtained during these almost 30 years for spheres of odd dimension; the first part of the talk consists in a survey of these results. The second part is devoted to the special case of the $2$-dimensional sphere $S^2(r)$ whose unit tangent is diffeomorphic to the 3-dimensional real projective space. Since there is no globally defined unit vector field on $S^2$, the infimum is taken on a class of singular unit vector fields. These are vector fields defined on a dense open set and such that the closure of their image is a surface without boundary of $T^1S^2$ . In particular if the vector field is area minimizing it defines a minimal surface of $T^1S^2$. After giving the solution of the Gluck and Ziller problem for the unit $2$-sphere, the talk will end by showing some results concerning the case of $2$-spheres with radius $r\not= 1$ .

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Three dimensional real hypersurfaces in complex space forms

Hellenic Army Academy

A real hypersurface is an immersed submanifold of real co-dimension one in complex space form. The Kähler structure of the ambient space induces on the real hypersurface an almost contact metric structure ($\varphi, \xi, \eta, g$). Cho extended the notion of Tanaka-Webster connection of contact metric manifolds in the case of real hypersurfaces in complex space forms. In this case the connection is called \emph{generalized Tanaka-Webster connection}. The aim of this talk is to present new results concerning three dimensional real hypersurfaces in non-flat complex space forms, i.e. complex projective or hyperbolic space, when 1) the structure Jacobi operator, 2) the shape operator of them satisfies geometric conditions with respect to the generalized Tanaka-Webster connection of them.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Gravitación en dimensión 3 y teoría de Teichmüller

Luxembourg University

En dimensión 3, las soluciones de las ecuaciones de Einstein en el vacío corresponden a los espacio-tiempo de curvatura escalar constante. Para una constante cosmológica negativa, las soluciones son espacio-tiempos Anti-de Sitter (AdS). En los años 90, G. Mess descubrió relaciones muy profundas entre la geometría AdS y la teoría de Teichmüller (i.e., la teoría de superficies hiperbólicas). Su teoría fue seguida por los trabajos de varios matemáticos como F. Bonsante, T. Barbot, J.M. Schlenker y otros. En particular, existe una equivalencia entre la existencia de un difeomorfismo minimal Lagrangiano entre superficies hiperbólicas y la existencia de una superficie maximal en el espacio-tiempo AdS. Explicaremos esta relación y la extenderemos al caso de variedades con singularidades cónicas (cf. arXiv: 1312.2724).

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

On the Hodge conjecture for $q$-complete manifolds.

University of Ljubljana

We establish the Hodge conjecture for the top dimensional cohomology group with integer coefficients of any $q$-complete complex manifold $X$ with $q<{\rm dim} X$. This holds in particular for the complement $X=\mathbb{CP}^n\setminus A$ of any complex projective manifold defined by $q< n$ independent equations.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Curvatura total de variedades riemannianas 2-dimensionales con topología finita

Universidad Jaume I

Demostramos que si una variedad riemanniana de dimensión 2, completa, no compacta y orientable satisface además que: tiene curvatura no positiva y topologia finita y existe un rayo "que no admite tubos" alrededor de él, entonces este rayo pertenece a un final con curvatura total finita. También conjeturamos que si una superficie minimal inmersa en el espacio euclideo 3-dimensional tiene tipo topologico finito y ademas el area de las bolas extrínsecas es finita entonces es propia.

Seminario de Matemáticas, 1ª planta

Un resultado de completitud para las hipersuperficies centroafines y variedades cuaterniónicas kählerianas

Universität Hamburg

Nos planteamos el problema de completitud (con respecto a la métrica centroafín) para hipersuperficies afines que forman un conjunto cerrado en el espacio ambiente. Uno de los principales resultados concierne a las hipersuperficies cúbicas e implica la completitud de una amplia clase de variedades cuaterniónicas kählerianas de curvatura escalar negativa. La charla se basa en un trabajo común con Marc Nardmann y Stefan Suhr.

Seminario 1ª planta iemath-Gr

Minicurso: Introducción a Superficies de Riemann

Universität Hamburg

seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Orthogonal symplectic forms

Universidad de Murcia

Examples and classification results on Riemannian metrics admitting systems of orthogonal symplectic forms will be given. The focus will be mainly on dimension 4.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Existence of nonparametric solutions for a capillary problem in warped products

Universite Paris-Est Marne la Vallée

We prove that there exist solutions for a non-parametric capillary problem in a wide class of Riemannian manifolds endowed with a Killing vector field. In other terms, we prove the existence of Killing graphs with prescribed mean curvature and prescribed contact angle along its boundary. These results may be useful for modelling stationary hypersurfaces under the influence of a non-homogeneous gravitational field defined over an arbitrary Riemannian manifold.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Foliations with special geometric properties III

Uniwersytet Łódzki

1. hyperbolic and conformal geometry 2. introduction to the theory of foliations 3. description of foliations with specific geometric properties which are defined conformally or through the second fundamental form 4. new results and applications of conformal geometry

iEMath-Gr, Seminario 1ª planta

Foliations with special geometric properties II

Uniwersytet Łódzki

1. hyperbolic and conformal geometry 2. introduction to the theory of foliations 3. description of foliations with specific geometric properties which are defined conformally or through the second fundamental form 4. new results and applications of conformal geometry

iEMath-Gr, Seminario 1ª planta

Foliations with special geometric properties I

Uniwersytet Łódzki

1. hyperbolic and conformal geometry 2. introduction to the theory of foliations 3. description of foliations with specific geometric properties which are defined conformally or through the second fundamental form 4. new results and applications of conformal geometry

iEMath-Gr, Seminario 1ª planta

CMC foliations of closed manifolds

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

We prove that a neccesary and sufficient condition for a closed, smooth $n$-manifold $X$ to admit a Riemannian metric together with a codimension-one, smooth, transversely oriented foliation with leaves of constant mean curvature, is that the Euler characteristic of $X$ is zero, Furthermore, this CMC foliation of $X$ can be chosen so that the constant values of the mean curvatures of its leaves change sign. Joint work with Joaquin Perez.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Topology of translating solitons of the mean curvature flow

Universidad de Granada

We use Morse theory and the Alexadrov reflection principle to obtain topological obstructions for the existence of translating solitons of the mean curvature flow in euclidean space. This is a joint work with K. Smoczyk and A. Savas-Halilaj.

Seminario 1ª Planta, IEMath-Gr

Curvature estimates for mean curvature flows in higher codimension.

Leibniz Universität Hannover

In general it is an open problem how to obtain explicit $C^2$-estimates for graphical submanifolds evolving by its mean curvature. We present some new techniques to get explicit estimates of the mean curvature and in some cases also of the full second fundamental tensor.

Seminario Matemáticas 2ª planta

Gauss image and rigidity of complete minimal hypersurfaces

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Due to work of Dajczer and Gromoll in the mid 80's, a non-rigid complete minimal hypersurface $M^n$ in $R^{n+1}$ splits as the euclidean product $M^n=M^3\times R^{n-3}$, where here $M^3$ is a complete minimal hypersurface in $R^4$ with zero Gauss-Kronecker curvature. Hence, the problem reduces in the classification of these 3-dimensional objects. The aim of this talk is to give a complete local classification of minimal hypersurfaces with vanishing Gauss-Kronecker curvature in a 4-dimensional space form. This description is given in terms of the Gauss map of the hypersurface. Moreover, we will give a classification of complete 3-dimensional minimal hypersurfaces with vanishing Gauss-Kronecker curvature and scalar curvature bounded from below.

Seminario Matemáticas 2ª planta

U. Simon's conjecture on the rigidity of isometric immersions in spheres.

Bronx Community College

U. Simon posed the following conjecture in 1980: if f is an isometric minimal immersion from a Riemann surface M to an m-dimensional round sphere whose curvature is pinched between two consecutive terms of a given sequence, then its curvature is constant and M has to be a sphere. For now, this has been solved for very few cases and there are no counterexamples. I will first explain the background to understand this conjecture and give an overview of the solved cases. Then I will introduce a method, simple but still difficult to use in general, that gives intriguing results and can be used to prove the conjecture for many of the known cases.

Seminario de Matemáticas, 1ª planta

The symmetry group of Lamé’s system and the e associated Guichard nets for conformally flat hypersurfaces

Universidade de Brasilia

We consider conformally flat hypersurfaces in four dimensional space forms with their associated Guichard nets and Lamé’s system of equations. We show that the symmetry group of the Lamé’s system, satisfying Guichard condition, is given by translations and dilations in the independent variables and dilations in the dependents variables. We obtain the solutions which are invariant under the action of the 2-dimensional subgroups of the symmetry group. For the solutions which are invariant under translations, we obtain the corresponding conformally flat hypersurfaces and we describe the corresponding Guichard nets. We show that the coordinate surfaces of the Guichard nets have constant Gaussian curvature, and the sum of the three curvatures is equal to zero. Moreover, the Guichard nets are foliated by flat surfaces with constant mean curvature. We prove that there are solutions of the Lamé’s system, given in e terms of Jacobi elliptic functions, which are invariant under translations, that correspond to a new class of conformally flat hypersurfaces.

IEMath-Gr, Seminario 1ª Planta

Some uniqueness problems in \(\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}\)

Princeton University

In this talk we will consider two uniqueness problems in \(\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}\). First, we will prove a halfspace theorem for an ideal Scherk graph \(S\) over a polygonal domain $D$ in \(\mathbb{H}^2\), that is, we will show that a properly immersed minimal surface contained in \(D\times\mathbb{R}\) and disjoint from \(S\) is a translate of \(S\). Second, we will consider a multi-valued Rado theorem for small perturbations of the Helicoid. More precisely, we will prove that for certain small perturbations of the boundary of a (compact) helicoid there exists only one minimal disk with that boundary.

IEMath-Gr, Seminario 1ª planta

Large isoperimetric regions in the product of a compact manifold with Euclidean space

Universidad de Granada

Given a compact Riemannian manifold $M$ without boundary, we show that large isoperimetric regions in $M\times\mathbb{R}^k$ are tubular neighborhoods of $M\times\{x\}$, with $x\in \mathbb{R}^k$.

Seminario 1ª Planta

Killing spinors and Weierstrass representations of surfaces in 3 and 4 dimensions

Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

In the last two decades a variety of formulae have been proposed to parametrize conformal immersions of surfaces in 3 or 4 dimensions, often named "Weierstrass formula", referring to the classical formula of Weierstrass and Enneper for minimal surfaces. Most of these expressions rely on "spinors" satisfying a "Dirac equation" (Taimanov, Konopelchenko, Kusner, Schmitt etc.). We will explain where these formulae come from and how they are related to more recent work on classical spinors by Bär, Friedrich and Roth. If time allows, I will also mention the point of view of isometric immersions and moving frames.

Seminario 1ª Planta

Surfaces immersed in $\mathbb{R}^3_{+}$ with the same Gauss curvature induced by the Euclidean and hyperbolic metrics

Universidade de Brasília

We will consider the geometric problem of findind immersed surfaces in the upper half-space such that the Gaussian curvatures induced from the ambient euclidean and hyperbolic metrics coincide.
We will show the surprising geometric connection between such immersions and minimal surfaces (in euclidean space and timelike surfaces in Minkowski space). This connection enables the construction of infinitly many non trivial examples, we will discuss some of them in the talk.Joint work with Nilton Barroso.

Seminario 1ª Planta

Mean curvature flow without singularities

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

We study graphical mean curvature flow of complete solutions defined on subsets of Euclidean space. We obtain smooth long time existence. The projections of the evolving graphs also solve mean curvature flow. Hence this approach allows to smoothly flow through singularities by studying graphical mean curvature flow with one additional dimension.

Seminario 1ª Planta


Aplicaciones Geométricas del Principio del Máximo

IEMath-Gr, Granada (España)

Minicurso impartido por José María Espinar García (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) los días 16, 17 y 18 de diciembre de 9:30 a 11:00 en el Seminario de la primera planta del IEMath-Gr.

Course on Geometric Flows

IEMath-GR, Granada (Spain)

Minicurso impartido por Felix Schulze (University College London, UK) del 16 al 18 de diciembre de 11:30 a 13:00 en el Seminario de la primera planta en IEMath-Gr

I Brazilian Congress of Young Researchers in Pure and Applied Mathematics

São Paulo (Brasil)

In Brazil, due to its continental dimensions with several universities distant from major research centers, many new Ph.D. graduates join these universities and end up distancing themselves from their original research groups. This often hinders the development of their research and, consequently, their ongoing professional career. For this reason, young researchers decided to create an appropriate framework to share research results, thus giving rise to 'I Brazilian Congress of Young Researchers in Pure and Applied Mathematics’. The aim of this conference is to encourage new research and foster the exchange of ideas and collaboration. A key role is to propose the creation of a young people’s organization so that their ideas and problems are heard directly through them in order to have greater representation within scientific communities and in society in general.

5th Iberian Mathematical Meeting

Aveiro (Portugal)

The Iberian Mathematical Meeting is a joint event of the Real Sociedad Matemática Española and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática. It aims at bringing together Spanish and Portuguese mathematicians in order to develop mathematical research in the future.

New trends in Differential Geometry 2014

Villasimius (Cerdeña, Italia)



Complex differential geometry, geometric analysis, Einstein manifolds, curvature flow, Kähler geometry, constant mean curvature surfaces, overdetermined problems.


  • Dimitri Alekseevsky, University of Brno
  • Claudio Arezzo, ICTP
  • David Calderbank, University of Bath
  • Paul Gauduchon, École Polytechnique
  • Nicola Gigli, Université de Nice
  • Marc Herzlich, Université de Montpellier
  • Francois Labourie, Université Paris-Sud
  • Claude LeBrun, Stony Brook University
  • Carlo Mantegazza, Scuola Normale Superiore
  • Antonio Ros, Universidad de Granada
  • Giuseppe Tinaglia, King's College London

International workshop on finite type submanifolds

Istanbul (Turquía)

The notion of finite type submanifolds and finite type mappings was introduced in late 1970's. Since then many works have been done on this topic. Even today, there are a lot of open problems studied in the theory of finite type mappings and finite type submanifolds, such as
  • Biharmonic conjecture and its several genaralizations,
  • Classifying finite type, compact surfaces in Euclidean spaces,
  • Classifying submanifolds with respect to type of their Gauss map.
The organizing committee invites you to participate in the "International Workshop on Finite Type Submanifolds", which will be held in Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, between September 03-05, 2014. Our aim in this workshop is discussing the recent progress on the theory of finite type submanifolds. The Workshop is open to all talks on the finite type mappings and finite type submanifolds. We also invite contributions, including but not limited to,
  • Riemannian and pseudo-riemannian geometry
  • Lorentz geometry
  • Symplectic and contact geometry
  • Relativity
  • Supergravity and supersymmetry
  • String theory
  • Quantum gravity
subject to the approval of the Scientific Comitee.

XXIII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics

Granada (España)



The Fall Workshops on Geometry and Physics have been held yearly since 1992, and bring together Spanish and Portuguese geometers and physicists, along with an ever increasing number of participants from outside the Iberian peninsula. The meetings aim to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between researchers of different fields in Differential Geometry, Applied Mathematics and Physics, and always include a substantial number of enthusiastic young researchers amongst the participants.

In October 1992 a meeting organized by the Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Manuel de León) and the Departamento de Física Teórica II of the Universidad Complutense (Alberto Ibort) was held in Madrid. This workshop gave birth to an annual sequence of meetings, originally named Differential Geometry and its Applications (WODGA). Later, this name turned into the current one.

Main topics

The Workshop is open to any topic in the interplay between Geometry and Physics, including

  • Lie algebroids and mechanics
  • Lorentz geometry
  • Poisson geometry
  • Riemannian and pseudo-riemannian geometry
  • Symplectic and contact geometry
  • Integrable systems
  • Control theory
  • Classical theory of fields
  • Mechanics of continuous media
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Relativity
  • Supergravity and supersymmetry
  • String theory
  • Quantum gravity

Program on Differential Geometry and Physics

Granada (España)

In this Program, we invite you to actively participate in the following activities:

September 1 & 2 at the IEMath Granada

Basic introductory minicourses by Elisa Ercolessi (Quantization) and José Antonio Gálvez (Differential Geometry) at the IEMath-UGR.

September 2 - 5 at the Science Faculty

XXIII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics

September 8 -13 at the IEMath Granada

Aftermath Week. The aim of this period is to encourage the interchange of ideas by promoting activities like discussions and seminars in the pleasant atmosphere of IEMath-UGR (Math. Institute at U. Granada). If you are interested in attending these activities, please send an email to the email address xxiiifwgp [at]

XVIII Escola de Geometria Diferencial

Universidade de Brasilia (Brasil)

The XVIII Escola de Geometria Diferencial will be held at the University of Brasilia, in Brasilia, from July 28 to August 1st, 2014. As in the previous editions of the Escola, the program will include
  • minicourses, in elementay and advanced level;
  • plenary lectures of invited speakers;
  • lectures;
  • poster sessions.
We are inviting proposals for minicourses. Each proposal should contain a description of the content, the objective and the level of the minicourse and it should be sent by e-mail to EGD2014[at] no later than October 31, 2013.

Summer school on Mathematical Relativity

Vienna (Austria)

Mathematical General Relativity is a timely topic, with outstanding recent progress in the field by many authors, with growing interest both in the physics and mathematical community. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to the topics which are currently being studied. The target audience is graduate students and postdocs, both physicists and mathematicians, interested in mathematical general relativity.

Geometric Analysis Conference

Lisboa (Portugal)

Geometric Analysis is a very active field of research, with several well known open problems being solved at a very fast pace. We aim to present some of these developments.

List of confirmed speakers:

Ben Andrews (Canberra)
Jeff Cheeger (Courant)
Fernando Coda Marques (IMPA)
Toby Colding (MIT)
Tom Ilmanen (ETH-Zuerich)
Nigel Hitchin (Oxford)
Bruce Kleiner (Courant)
Claude LeBrun (Stony Brook)
Bill Minicozzi (MIT)
Aaron Naber (Northwestern)
Alex Nabutovsky (Toronto)
Nikolai Nadirashvili (Marseille)
Tristan Riviere (ETH-Zuerich)
Antonio Ros (Granada)
Melanie Rupflin (Leipzig)
Rick Schoen (Stanford)
Gang Tian (Princeton, Beijing)
Brian White (Stanford)
Neshan Wickramasekera (Cambridge)
Burkhard Wilking (Muenster)
Xin Zhou (MIT)

First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI

Bilbao (Spain)


Five institutional members of the EMS (European Mathematical Society) have agreed to organize a Joint Meeting on Mathematics in Bilbao (Spain). Two of them are from Italy - the UMI (Italian Mathematical Union) and the SIMAI (Italian Society for Applied and Industrial Mathematics) – and the other three are from Spain - RSME (Royal Spanish Mathematical Society), the SCM (Catalan Mathematical Society) and the SEMA (Spanish Society for Applied Mathematics).

The main goal of the Meeting is to share recent research by mathematicians from all over world, but especially from Italy and Spain, in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere which hopefully will foster the strengthening of cooperation ties and approaches to new fields of interest.

Geometric Analysis in Roscoff

Roscoff (Bretagne, France)


An international conference entitled "Geometric analysis in Roscoff" will be organised at the Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS), within the scientific program of Groupement de Recherche Européen Geometric Analysis. The meeting will be held  under the auspices of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), of the ANR France-Brésil "Surfaces", of the Labex Lebesgues , the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, the Université Paris Est Créteil , the Conseil Général du Finistère and of the Région Bretagne.

Geometric analysis lies on the interface between the study of partial differential equations and Riemannian geometry, influenced by fundamental problems from mathematical physics.  The domain has come to the fore over the last thirty years producing some spectacular results, for example the resolution of the Poincaré conjecture and the Willmore conjecture. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts in the domains of conformal geometry, geometric flows, minimal surfaces and related fields, in order to exchange ideas and to present some of the latest advances.  Doctoral students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to attend, and we hope that all participants will gain inspiration from this meeting.

List of speakers

  • B.Andrews, (ANU Camberra, Australia): TBA
  • G.Catino, (Politecnico Di Milano, Italy): Rigidity of criticals metrics for quadratic functionals
  • B.Coskunuzer (Koc Univ., Turkey):Minimal Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology in $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}
  • B.Daniel (Univ. Nancy, France): Minimal isometric immersions into $\mathbb{S}^2\times \mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}$
  • O.Druet (ENS Lyon, France): Stability of the Einstein-Lichnerowicz constraint system<
  • A.Enciso (ICMAT, Spain): Geometric structures in steady solutions to the Euler equation
  • R.Graham (Univ. of Washington, United States): TBA
  • R. Haslhofer (Courant Institute, United States): Mean curvature flow of mean convex hypersurfaces
  • E.Humbert (Univ. Tours) Some recent results on positive mass conjecture
  • L. Hauswirth (Univ. Marne La Vallée, France): TBA
  • A. Jimenez (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil):Isolated singularities of some types of geometric PDE's
  • A. Juhl (Univ. Berlin, Germany): TBA
  • S. Montiel (Univ.Granada, Spain): The Cheeger constant of an asymptotic hyperbolic manifold and the Yamabe type of its conformal infinity
  • A. Neves (Imperial College, United Kingdom): Minimal surfaces on metrics with positive Ricci curvature
  • T.Rivière (ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Some recent results on the calculus of variations of surfaces
  • M.Rupflin (Univ.of Leipzig, Germany) Teichmüller harmonic map flow
  • A.Ros (Univ. Granada, Spain) TBA
  • K.Smoczyk (Leibniz Univ., Germany): TBA
  • M.Traizet (Univ.Tours): TBA
  • G.Wang (Univ.Freiburg, Germany): Geometric inequalities in the hyperbolic space and applications
  • T. Zolorateva(Ecole Polytechnique, France): Higher codimension isoperimetric problems

Nice Geometric Analysis Meeting

Nice (France)


A 3-days meeting in geometric analysis in honor of the 60th birthday of Professor Philippe Delanoë.

Invited Speakers

  • Pierre Bayard (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo)
  • Alice Chang (Princeton University)
  • Bruno Colbois (University of Neuchâtel)
  • Yuxin Ge (University Paris XII)
  • Romain Gicquaud (University François Rabelais, Tours)
  • Colin Guillarmou (ENS Paris)
  • Emmanuel Humbert (University François Rabelais, Tours)
  • Frank Pacard (Ecole Polytechnique)
  • Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)
  • Frédéric Robert (University of Lorraine)
  • Pieralberto Sicbaldi (University of Aix-Marseille)
  • Peter Topping (University of Warwick)
  • Marc Troyanov (EPF Lausanne)
  • Neil Trudinger (ANU) to be confirmed

Scientific Committee

  • Gérard Besson (Institut Fourier, University of Grenoble)
  • Ahmad El Soufi (University François Rabelais, Tours)
  • Pengfei Guan (McGill University)
  • Emmanuel Hebey (University of Cergy-Pontoise)
  • Gilles Lebeau (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)


  • Erwann Aubry (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
  • Erwann Delay (University of Avignon)
  • Pierre Jammes (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
  • Jérôme Vétois (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
  • Angélique Guitard (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)

Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory

Cetraro (Italy)


The School will take place in Cetraro, Italy, in the period June 2 - 7, 2014 and it will consist of the following five courses:

  • Henry Berestycki (Centre d'analyse et de math. sociales, France): Reaction-diffusion and propagation in non-homogeneous media
  • Camillo De Lellis (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland): The h-principle, the Nash-Kuiper theorem and the Euler equations
  • Alessio Figalli (Univ. Texas Austin, USA): Monge-Ampere type equation and applications
  • Frank Morgan (Williams College, USA): Geometric Measure Theory, Isoperimetric Problems and Manifolds with Density
  • Ireneo Peral (Univ. Madrid, Spain): Elliptic and parabolic equations equations related to growth models.

50 años de Matemáticas en la Universidad de Granada

Granada (España)

En el curso 2013-2014 se cumplen 50 años del comienzo oficial de los estudios de Matemáticas en la Universidad de Granada. Para celebrar esta ocasión tan especial se van a realizar diversos actos a lo largo del curso. Esperamos que este aniversario constituya una oportunidad para reunir a los antiguos alumnos que han estudiado Matemáticas en la Universidad de Granada con los que actualmente cursan aquí estos estudios y con todas las personas que tienen o han tenido relación con nuestra Sección, para compartir experiencias, recuerdos, anécdotas,… Por esta razón, el acto central será un congreso-coloquio que tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Ciencias de nuestra Universidad los días 22 y 23 de mayo de 2014. Pero también estamos organizando otros eventos que iremos notificando puntualmente en esta página.

School on the geometry and physics of moduli spaces

Madrid (Spain)



The main goal of this school is to introduce graduate students, postdocs and senior researchers to several active fields of current research in the theory of moduli spaces and their interplay with geometry, topology and theoretical physics. The school is organized within the ICMAT Research Term on the Geometry and Physics of Moduli Spaces.


The school will consist of 4 introductory courses:

  • Sergei Gukov (Caltech): From Higgs bundles to knots and 3-manifolds
  • Nigel Hitchin (Oxford): Spectral curves
  • François Labourie (Orsay): Cyclic surfaces and Hitchin components
  • Peter Topping (Warwick): The Teichmueller harmonic map flow and minimal immersions

Registration deadline


The school will take place in Miraflores de la Sierra, a small village located 49 Km North of Madrid, Spain.

Organizing committee

Luis Alvarez-Consul (ICMAT Madrid) and Tomas L. Gomez (ICMAT Madrid)

International Meeting on Lorentzian and Conformal Geometry

Greifswald (Germany)


Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
Organizers: Ines Kath (Greifswald), Thomas Leistner (Adelaide), Uwe Semmelmann (Köln)

Lorentzian, or more generally pseudo-Riemannian geometry as well as conformal geometry are branches of modern differential geometry. They are both related to Riemannian geometry, but their study involves essential differences to the study of (single) definite metrics. In particular, many of the arguments used in proofs of core-properties of Riemannian metrics are no longer applicable. As a consequence, there are still numerous open questions for both types of structures whose counterparts in the Riemannian situation are already part of a well-established theory.

A major source of interest for the study of Lorentzian or pseudo-Riemannian geometry comes from theoretical physics. The classic examples are 4-dimenional space-times in general relativity, which are modelled on Lorentzian manifolds. Pseudo-Riemannian metrics of higher index play an important role in recent developments of several branches of theoretical physics, in particular for supergravity and string theory. Conformal geometry appears prominently in classical physics, where many fundamental equations are conformally invariant. However, it is also a fundamental ingredient for models on the quantum level. A particularly interesting case is the AdS/CFT correspondence, which is one of the most active areas of research in string theory.

Both fields have seen remarkable advances in recent years and a number of those shall be discussed at the conference. Topics will include: holonomy theory for pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, global Lorentzian geometry, group actions on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, aspects of conformal geometry, such as tractor calculus and conformal holonomy, Poincare-Einstein metrics and the Fefferman-Graham ambient metric construction, conformally invariant operators and analytic properties of the Laplace and Dirac-type operators.

Invited speakers:
Dmitri Alekseevsky (Hull)
Bernd Ammann (Regensburg)
Christian Bär (Potsdam)
Lionel Berard-Bergery (Nancy)
Andreas Cap (Wien)
Vicente Cortés (Hamburg)
Michael Eastwood (Canberra)
José Figueroa-O’Farrill (Edinburgh)
Anna Fino (Torino)
Charles Frances (Paris)
Anton Galaev (Brno)
Eduardo Garcia-Rio (Santiago de Compostela)
Paul Gauduchon (Palaiseau)
Rod Gover (Auckland)
Andreas Juhl (Uppsala/Berlin)
Andrei Moroianu (Versailles-St Quentin)
Pawel Nurowski (Polish Academy of Science)
Simon Salamon (King's College London)
Miguel Sanchez (Granada)
Andrew Swann (Aarhus)
Abdelghani Zeghib (Lyon)

IV Workshop de Geometria Diferencial

Maceió (Brazil)

Entre os dias 10 e 14 de março de 2014, o Instituto de Matemática da Universidade Federal de Alagoas realizará o seu IV Workshop de Geometria Diferencial. Este evento contará com a participação de importantes pesquisadores do país, bem como de importantes nomes internacionais na área de Geometria Diferencial e Análise Geométrica.

Secondo workshop su varietà reali e complesse: geometria, topologia e analisi armonica

Pisa (Italia)

Nell’ambito del progetto PRIN 2010-2011 “Varietà reali e complesse: geometria, topologia e analisi armonica”, si terrà a Pisa il secondo workshop, con inizio nel pomeriggio di giovedi 20 febbraio e conclusione con la sessione pomeridiana di sabato 22. Scopo del workshop è proseguire le attività comuni avviate con il Workshop 2013, favorendo l'integrazione tra le diverse competenze e l'aggiornamento sui progressi compiuti. Il programma scientifico del workshop si articola in brevi conferenze (30 minuti ciascuna). È inoltre prevista una poster session virtuale, come raccolta di note scritte di collaboratori, o gruppi di collaboratori, presenti nelle Unità del progetto.

2nd Japanese-Spanish workshop on Differential Geometry

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo, Japan)


Tentative list of speakers

  • Antonio Alarcón (Universidad de Granada)
  • Jesús Álvarez-López (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
  • José Carlos Díaz-Ramos (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
  • Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez (IMPA)
  • Josef F. Dorfmeister (Technische Universität München)
  • Norio Ejiri (Meijo University)
  • José M. Espinar (IMPA)
  • Atsufumi Honda (Miyakonojo National College of Technology)
  • Jun-Ichi Inoguchi (Yamagata University)
  • Miguel A. Javaloyes (Universidad de Murcia
  • Yu Kawakami (Yamaguchi University)
  • Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University)
  • Motoko Kotani (Tohoku University)
  • Juan Carlos Marrero (Universidad de la Laguna)
  • David Martín de Diego (ICMAT, Madrid)
  • Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University)
  • Pablo Mira (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)
  • Reiko Miyaoka (Tohoku University)
  • Paul A. Nagy (Universidad de Murcia)
  • Kosuke Naokawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Shin Nayatani (Nagoya University)
  • Yasufumi Nitta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Yoshihiro Ohnita (Osaka City University)
  • Joaquín Pérez (Universidad de Granada)
  • Joan Porti (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • Magdalena Rodríguez (Universidad de Granada)
  • Kentaro Saji (Kobe University)
  • Miguel Sánchez (Universidad de Granada)
  • Toshihiro Shoda (Saga University)
  • Gil Solanes (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
  • Sumio Yamada (Gakushuin University)


  • Kazuo Akutagwa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Masaaki Umehara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Kotaro Yamada (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Luis José Alías (Universidad de Murcia)
  • Eduardo García-Río (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
  • María del Mar González (Universitate Politècnica de Catalunya)
  • Francisco Martín (Universidad de Granada)