Event Details

Title: Minimal Lagrangian isotropic immersions in indefinite complex space forms
Speaker: Marilena Moruz (LAMAV, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, France)
Abstract: I am interested in the study of minimal isotropic Lagrangian sub manifolds $M^n$ ($n>2$) in indefinite complex space forms. It is known that the dimension of $M^n$ must satisfy $n=3r+2$, with $r$ a positive integer, and for $n<14$ there exists a classification for such submanifolds. In my work I have extended the result for an arbitrary dimension n. Therefore, I have determined all the possible dimensions of $M^n$ and found all the components of the second fundamental form, according to the metric with which $M^n$ is endowed in each case
20 November 2015, 09:30, 2nd floor Seminar room, IEMath-GR
More information about the Geometry Seminar in http://wdb.ugr.es/~geometry/seminar/es