Event Details
Seminario de Geometría
Ponente: Franc Forstneric (Univerza v Ljubljani, Eslovenia)
Día y hora: 9 de febrero de 2018, de 11:30 a 12:30
Lugar: Seminario 1, IEMath-GR
Título: A properly embedded holomorphic disc in the ball with finite area and dense boundary curve
Resumen: I will describe the construction of a properly embedded holomorphic disc in the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^2$ having the following surprising combination of properties:
On the one hand, the disc has finite area, and hence is the zero set of a bounded holomorphic function on the ball.
On the other hand, its real analytic boundary curve is everywhere dense in the sphere.
Ponente: Franc Forstneric (Univerza v Ljubljani, Eslovenia)
Día y hora: 9 de febrero de 2018, de 11:30 a 12:30
Lugar: Seminario 1, IEMath-GR
Título: A properly embedded holomorphic disc in the ball with finite area and dense boundary curve
Resumen: I will describe the construction of a properly embedded holomorphic disc in the unit ball of $\mathbb{C}^2$ having the following surprising combination of properties:
On the one hand, the disc has finite area, and hence is the zero set of a bounded holomorphic function on the ball.
On the other hand, its real analytic boundary curve is everywhere dense in the sphere.