
  1. Journal articles
  2. Patents
  3. Conference contributions
  4. Students supervision
  5. Science dissemination

Journal articles

  • de la Torre A, Sanchez I, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Valderrama JT, Muller N, Vargas JL. Multi-response deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials in a reduced representation space. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2024) 155, 3639–3653. doi: 10.1121/10.0026228. Click on the “PDF item” to download the manuscript. Click on “Views / Supplementary Data” to download the Supplementary Material in a zip file. This material includes a detailed pdf document as well as Matlab/Octave code implementing the proposed procedure.
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, McAlpine D. The hunt for hidden hearing loss in humans: From preclinical studies to effective interventions. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2022) 16, 1000304, 13p. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1000304. [Download]
  • Martinez M, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Vargas JL. Auditory brainstem responses obtained with randomised stimulation level. International Journal of Audiology (2022). doi: 10.1080/14992027.2022.2047233. [Download]
  • de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Segura JC, Alvarez IM. Subspace-constrained deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2022) 151, 3745-3757. doi: 10.1121/10.0011423. [Download]
  • de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, Segura JC. Latency-dependent filtering and compact representation of the complete auditory pathway response. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2020) 148, 599-613. doi: 10.1121/10.0001673. [Download]
  • de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Segura JC, Alvarez IM. Matrix-based formulation of the iterative randomized stimulation and averaging method for recording evoked potentials. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2019) 146, 4545-4556. doi: 10.1121/1.5139639. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Van Dun B. An automatic algorithm for blink-artifact suppression based on iterative template matching: Application to single channel recording of cortical auditory evoked potentials. Journal of Neural Engineering (2018) 15, 016008, 15p. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/aa8d95. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Medina C, Segura JC, Thornton ARD. Selective processing of auditory evoked responses with iterative-randomized stimulation and averaging: A strategy for evaluating the time-invariant assumption. Hearing Research (2016) 333, 66-76. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2015.12.009. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Thornton ARD, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Auditory brainstem and middle latency responses recorded at fast rates with randomized stimulation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2014) 136, 3233-3248. doi: 10.1121/1.4900832. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. A flexible and inexpensive high-performance auditory evoked response recording system appropriate for research purposes. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik (2014) 59, 447-459. doi: 10.1515/bmt-2014-0034. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Thornton ARD, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Automatic quality assessment and peak identification of auditory brainstem responses with fitted parametric peaks. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2014) 114, 262-275. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.02.015. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Thornton ARD, Sainz M, Vargas JL. A study of adaptation mechanisms based on ABR recorded at high stimulation rate. Clinical Neurophysiology (2014) 125, 805-813. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2013.06.190. [Download]
  • Vargas JL, Sainz M, Roldan C, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A. Analysis of electrica thresholds and maximum comfortable levels in cochlear implant patients. Auris Nasus Larynx (2013) 40, 260-265. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2012.09.002. [Download]
  • Vargas JL, Sainz M ,Roldan C, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A. Long-term evolution of the electrical stimulation levels for cochlear implant patients. Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology (2012) 5, 194-200. doi: 10.3342/ceo.2012.5.4.194. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Recording of auditory brainstem respones at high stimulation rates using randomized stimulation and averaging. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2012) 132, 3856-3865. doi: 10.1121/1.4764511. [Download]
  • Valderrama JT, Alvarez I, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Educational approach of a BAER recording system based on experiential learning. Technics Technologies Education Management (2011) 6, 876-889. [URL, Download]
  • Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Roldan C, Sainz M, Segura JC, Vargas JL. Changes over time of the refractory properties measured from ECAP in Pulsa CI100 cochlear implant recipients. The Journal of International Advanced Otology (2011) 7, 398-407. [URL, Download]
  • Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Sainz M, Roldan C. Reducing blanking artifact in electrically evoked compound action potentials. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2010) 97, 257-263. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2009.09.006. [Download]
  • Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Sainz M, Roldan C, Schoesser H, Spitzer P. Using evoked compound action potentials to assess activation of electrodes and predict C-levels in the tempo+ cochlear implant speech processor. Ear and Hearing (2010) 31, 134-145. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e3181bdb88f. [Download]
  • Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Sainz M, Roldan C, Schoesser H, Spitzer P. An improved masker-probe method for stimulus artifact reduction in electrically evoked compound action potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2008) 175, 143-147. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2008.08.008. [Download]
  • Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Sainz M, Roldan C, Schoesser H, Spitzer P. Generalized alternating stimulation: A novel method to reduce stimulus artifact in electrically evoked compound action potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2007) 165, 95-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2007.05.028. [Download]


  • Title: Devices and methods for common mode noise reduction in biopotential acquisitions
    Inventors: de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Valderrama JT, Palma AJ, Carvajal MA, Pousibet A
    Applicant: University of Granada (Spain)
    Application number: EP23382433.3 (European patent grant request)
    Priority date: 10/05/2023
    Status: Under review
    Contact: [Principal Investigator] Prof Ángel de la Torre Vega (atv@ugr.es). [University of Granada] Knowledge Transfer Office (otri@ugr.es).
  • Title: Method for flexible deconvolution of auditory evoked potentials
    Inventors: de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Segura JC
    Applicants: University of Granada (Spain), Australian Hearing (Australia)
    Publication number: WO/2020/198787
    Publication date: 08/10/2020
    Application number: PCT/AU2020/050311
    Filing date: 30/03/2020
    Downloads & links: Body, URL
  • Title: Systems and methods for obtaining auditory evoked potentials
    Inventors: McAlpine D, Valderrama JT, de la Torre A
    Collaborators: Undurraga J, Van Yper L
    Applicants: Macquarie University (Australia), University of Granada (Spain)
    Publication number: WO/2020/000028
    Publication date: 02/01/2020
    Application number: PCT/AU2019/050648
    Filing date: 24/06/2019
    Downloads & links: Body, URL

Conference contributions

  • de la Torre A, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, Segura, JC, Vargas JL, Palma AJ, Carvajal MA, Pousibet A. Live demonstration of a portable, affordable, and versatile auditory evoked potentials recording system mostly based on off-the-shelf electronics. Podium presentation and live demonstration at the XXVIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, Cologne, Germany (September 15-19, 2023). [Abstract, Presentation, Slides description, Temporary Supplemental file (583 MB, available until 02/12/2023), Permanent Supplemental file (6 MB, Binary files and detailed figures excluded), Conference summary]
  • de la Torre A, Sanchez I, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Muller N, Vargas JL. Simultaneous deconvolution of multiple auditory evoked potentials in a reduced representation space. Podium presentation at the XXVIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, Cologne, Germany (September 15-19, 2023). [Abstract, Presentation, Slides description, Conference summary]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Vargas JL. Deconvolution for flexible recording of transient evoked potentials. Podium presentation at the XXVIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, Cologne, Germany (September 15-19, 2023). [Abstract, Presentation, Slides description, Conference summary]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Vargas JL. En la búsqueda de nuevos biomarcadores de la pérdida de audición oculta. Podium presentation at the XIX National Congress of Audiology of the Spanish Association of Audiology (AEDA), Madrid, Spain (June 15-17, 2023). [Presentation]
  • de la Torre A. EEG Demonstration: Recording evoked potentials beyond the laboratory. Podium presentation & live demonstration at the 2023 International Workshop on Advances in Audiology, Salamanca, Spain (May 25-27, 2023). [Abstract, Presentation, Demonstration]
  • Valderrama JT. New avenues for recording auditory evoked potentials. Podium presentation at the 2023 International Workshop on Advances in Audiology, Salamanca, Spain (May 25-27, 2023). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Martinez M, Alvarez IM, Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Vargas JL. The transient response to inter-aural time differences <<Respuesta transitoria a las diferencias interaurales de tiempo>>. Podium presentation at the 73rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (Oct 13-15, 2022). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Martinez M, Alvarez IM, Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Vargas JL. Clinical value of auditory evoked potentials obtained with randomised stimulation <<Valor clínico de potenciales evocados auditivos obtenidos con niveles de estimulación aleatorizados>>. Podium presentation at the 73rd Congress of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (Oct 13-15, 2022). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Martinez M, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, Vargas JL, de la Torre A. The transient response to interaural time differences. Podium presentation at the XXVII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, online Forum (June 14 – July 9, 2021). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Martinez M, Alvarez IM, Valderrama JT, Vargas JL, de la Torre A. Recording auditory brainstem responses with randomized stimulation level. Podium presentation at the XXVII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, online Forum (June 14 – July 9, 2021). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Van Dun B, Segura JC. Towards the recording of brainstem and cortical evoked responses from the fine structure of natural speech. Podium presentation at the XXVI International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, Sydney, Australia (June 30 – July 4, 2019). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, Undurraga JA, Van Yper L, de la Torre A, McAlpine D. Auditory brainstem responses from apical portions of the cochlea evoked by a basilar membrane resonance induced by fast stimulus rates. Podium presentation at the 41st Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) Annual Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA (Feb 9-14, 2018). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Van Dun B, Undurraga J, Segura JC, Dillon H, McAlpine D. Comprehensive recording of auditory evoked potentials by projecting over a base of functions. Podium presentation at the XXV International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, Warsaw, Poland (May 21-25, 2017). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • de la Torre A, Valderrama JT. La investigación multidisciplinar en Audiología: Estudio de los mecanismos rápidos y lentos de adaptación de los potenciales evocados auditivos. Podium presentation at the XIII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Audiología, Cartagena, Spain (May 20-21, 2016). [Program, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, Franco M, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Registro de potenciales evocados auditivos mediante una arquitectura modular apropiada para propósitos de investigación. Podium presentation at the 6º Simposio CEA Bioingeniería – Interfaces Mente-Computador y Neurotecnologías, Granada, Spain (June 12-13, 2014). Cognitive Area Networks ISSN: 2341-4243 1, 66-73. [Conference paper, Presentation]
  • Morales JM, Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Método automático de seguimiento de respuestas evocadas auditivas basado en la parametrización de series de registros. Podium presentation at the 6º Simposio CEA Bioingeniería – Interfaces Mente-Computador y Neurotecnologías, Granada, Spain (June 12-13, 2014). Cognitive Area Networks ISSN: 2341-4243 1, 75-80. [Conference paper]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Kaf W, Sainz M, Vargas JL. A more efficient use of the recording time with randomized stimulation and averaging (RSA) in hearing screening applications. Invited talk (expenses covered) at the 9th International Conference of the Saudi Society of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Riyad, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (March 4-6, 2014). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, Morales JM, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Automatic quality assessment and response detection of auditory evoked potentials based on response tracking. Podium presentation at the XXIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, New Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Thornton ARD, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Auditory middle latency responses recorded at high stimulation rates using randomised stimulation and averaging. Podium presentation at the XXIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, New Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Alvarez IM, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Deconvolution of overlapping responses and frequency domain-based artifact rejection methods using randomized stimulation. Podium presentation at the XXIII International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG) Biennial Symposium, New Orleans, LA (June 9-13, 2013). [Abstract, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. A portable, modular, and low cost auditory brainstem response recording system including an algorithm for automatic identification of responses suitable for hearing screening. Podium presentation at the IEEE EMBS Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT) conference, Bangalore, India (Jan 16-18, 2013), art. 6461314, 180-183. [Conference paper, Presentation]
  • Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. A preliminary study of the short-term and long-term neural adaptation of the auditory brainstem response by the use of randomized stimulation. Poster at the Adult Hearing Screening (AHS) congress, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy (June 7-9, 2012). [Abstract, Poster]
  • Valderrama JT, Alvarez IM, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Reducing recording time of brainstem auditory evoked responses by the use of randomized stimulation. Poster at the Newborn Hearing Screening (NHS) congress, Cernobbio (Como Lake), Italy (June 5-7, 2012). [Abstract, Poster]
  • Alvarez IM, Valderrama JT, de la Torre A, Segura JC, Sainz M, Vargas JL. Reducción del tiempo de exploración de potenciales evocados auditivos del tronco cerebral mediante estimulación aleatorizada. Podium presentation at the XXV Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI) National Symposium, Bilbao, Spain (Sep 15-17, 2010). [Conference paper, Presentation]

Students supervision

  • Phd candidate: Marta Martínez Martínez
    Title: New strategies for recording auditory evoked potentials using randomized monaural intensity stimulation and binaural stimulation <<Nuevas estrategias de registro de potenciales evocados auditivos utilizando estimulación monoaural aleatorizada en intensidad y estimulación binaural>>
    Supervisors: Isaac M. Álvarez, Joaquín T. Valderrama
    Department: Programa de Doctorado en Medicina y Salud Pública, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 12/12/2022
    Grade: Cum Laude
    Sponsorship: [Sponsor 1] B-TIC-382-UGR20, Andalusian Operative Program FEDER 2014-2020. [Sponsor 2] PID2020-119073GB-I00, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain
    PhD thesis: Download
  • PhD candidate: Joaquín Tomás Valderrama Valenzuela
    Title: Development and implementation of an advanced auditory evoked response recording system. New strategies for high-rate stimulation <<Desarrollo e implementación de un sistema avanzado de registro de potenciales evocados auditivos. Nuevas estrategias de registro a alta tasa>>
    Supervisors: Ángel de la Torre, José Carlos Segura
    Department: Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 31/10/2014
    Grade: Cum Laude
    Sponsorship: [Sponsor 1] TEC2009-14245, R&D National Plan 2008-2011, Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Government of Spain & European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007-2013. [Sponsor 2] Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) AP2009-3150, Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports, Government of Spain
    PhD thesis: Download
  • PhD candidate: Isaac Manuel Álvarez Ruiz
    Title: Compound action potential measures from cochlear implant patients <<Medidas del potencial de acción compuesto en pacientes con implante coclear>>
    Supervisors: Ángel de la Torre, Manuel Sainz
    Departments: ‘Surgery and Surgical Specialties’ & ‘Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications’, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 09/07/2007
    Grade: Cum Laude
    Sponsorship: Pre-doctoral scholarship funded by the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Granada (UGR-OTRI) and MED-EL Spain (Tres Cantos, Madrid), 2005-2007.
    PhD thesis: Download
  • PhD candidate: José Luis Vargas Fernández
    Title: Acoustic reflex measures from profound hypoacoustic patients wearers of a cochlear implant <<Medidas del reflejo estapedial en pacientes hipoacúsicos profundos portadores de implante coclear>>
    Supervisors: Manuel Sainz, Ángel de la Torre
    Departments: Surgery and Surgical Specialties, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 16/12/2005
    Grade: Cum Laude
    PhD thesis: Download
  • PhD candidate: Rosa María Rodríguez Domínguez
    Title: Auditory brainstem responses evoked by multi-electrode stimulation in cochlear implant patients <<Potenciales del tronco cerebral evocados mediante estimulación multi-electrodo en pacientes con implante coclear>>
    Supervisors: Manuel Sáinz, Ángel de la Torre
    Departments: Surgery and Surgical Specialties, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 09/07/2004
    Grade: Cum Laude
    PhD thesis: Download
  • PhD candidate: José Manuel Ruiz Gómez
    Title: Electrically-evoked auditory brainstem responses in cochlear implant patients <<Potenciales de tronco cerebral evocados mediante estimulación eléctrica en pacientes con implante coclear>>
    Supervisors: Manuel Sáinz, Ángel de la Torre
    Departments: Surgery and Surgical Specialties, University of Granada
    Date of the Award: 29/11/2002
    Grade: Cum Laude
    PhD thesis: Download

Science dissemination

  • Type: Project oriented to educate high school students on research methods
    Program: Project for initiating Andalusian secondary students on research methods and innovation <<Proyecto de Iniciación a la Investigación e Innovación en Secundaria en Andalucía (PIIISA)>>
    Title: 31C – Investigating binaural hearing <<31C – Investigando la percepción binaural>>
    Duration: 17/01/2023 – 17/05/2023
    Participants: Ángel de la Torre Vega, Isaac Manuel Álvarez Ruiz, Joaquín Tomás Valderrama Valenzuela, José Carlos Segura Luna + 37 students from 4 high schools + 1 teacher per school
    Associated publications: 1 póster [Download] & 1 oral presentation [Download]
    Project summary