Juan Mamberti

Associate Researcher of FiloLab FiloLab

Debate Teacher, Faculty of Law, University of Palermo

Website: https://utdt.academia.edu/JuanMamberti ||  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jmamberti/

Email address: jmambe@palermo.edu


Juan Mamberti is a PhD candidate in Philosophy (University of Granada), MA in Logic and Philosophy of Science (University of Salamanca), MA in Public Politics and BA in Business Economy (Torcuato Di Tella University). He is a Teacher of debate and related disciplines at the University of Palermo and the Torcuato Di Tella University. He is the coordinator of debate initiatives in Argentina and other countries in the region since 2004, in both formal and informal academic settings. He participated as the judge and an organizer in a number of debate competitions, including several editions of the World Universities Debating Championship in Spanish. He was de academic coordinator of the International Debate Education Association debate projects in Latin America. He was also the academic director of the International Forum Debate in Spain in 2013 and the director of the International School of Debate in Spanish in 2014.

Areas of research

Debate as a tool for education

Relation between the practice of debating and the development of argumentative and communicative skills

Analysis of the debate formats and competitions

Selected publications

[2019] Mamberti, Juan. "La enseñanza de argumentación, comunicación y debate a estudiantes de Derecho." I Jornada Nacional sobre Enseñanza del Derecho: desafíos actuales de la formación legal: diálogos y debates, collected by Daniela Zaikoski Biscay, and Daniela Escobar. Santa Rosa, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de La Pampa.

[2013] Mamberti, Juan, translator. Ganar debates: una guía para debatir con el estilo del Campeonato Mundial Universitario de Debate. By Steven L. Johnson. New York: International Debate Education Association.

[2010] Bonomo, Hernán, Juan Mamberti, y Jackson B. Miller. Tolerancia crítica y ciudadanía activa: una introducción práctica al debate educativo. Nueva York: International Debate Education Association.

[2008] Mamberti, Juan. "El debate y la formación ciudadana." Revista de las Jornadas de Democracia Participativa "Demos Participativa" (Year 1, Vol. 1, No. 1, VII Jornadas de Democracia Participativa): "Democracia 25 años después. Reflexiones y desafíos para una ciudadanía participativa". Asociación Civil Mariano Moreno (Grupo de Estudios sobre Democracia Participativa).
