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Spruck y Xiao demostraron en 2018 que todo solitón por traslación del FCM en \( \mathbb{R}^3\) que sea un grafo completo tiene que ser convexo \(K \geq 0\). Nosotros daremos una demostración alternativa de ese teorema, basada en un trabajo conjunto con D. Hoffman y B. White.
Francisco Martín Serrano (Universidad de Granada) El teorema de Spruck y Xiao para solitones del flujo por la curvatura media
I will explain what the Willmore Morse Index of unbranched Willmore spheres in Euclidean three-space is and how to compute it. These Willmore spheres are inverted minimal surfaces with embedded planar ends. It turns out that the number of logarithmically growing Jacobi fields on the minimal surface are very important for the computation of the Willmore Morse Index. One consequence of our analysis is that all unbranched Willmore spheres are unstable (except for the round sphere). This talk is based on work with Jonas Hirsch.
Elena Maeder-Baumdicker (Universidad Técnica de Darmstadt) Willmore spheres are unstable
Conformal Killing Initial Data
Igor KhavkineInstitute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga
We find necessary and sufficient conditions ensuring that the vacuum development of an initial data set of the Einstein's field equations admits a conformal Killing vector. We refer to these conditions as conformal Killing initial data (CKID) and they extend the well-known Killing initial data that have been known for a long time. The procedure used to find the CKID is a classical argument based on the computation of a suitable propagation identity. The propagation identity is valid in any pseudo-Riemannian signature. In Lorentzian signature it involves hyperbolic operators, while in Riemannian it involves elliptic ones, which may be of independent interest. (Based on arXiv:1905.01231, with A. García-Parrado.)
Igor Khavkine (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Praga) Conformal Killing Initial Data
Working seminar: On the conservation of superenergy and its applications
In this work we present a geometric identity involving the Bel–Robinson tensor which is formally similar to the so-called Sparling identity (which involves the Einstein tensor through the Einstein 3-form). In our identity the Bel–Robinson tensor enters through the Bel–Robinson 3-form which, we believe, is introduced in the literature for the first time. The meaning of this identity is that it is possible to formulate a generic conservation law for the quantity represented by the Bel–Robinson tensor (superenergy). We also show how one can use the Bel–Robinson 3-form to estimate the components of the Bel–Robinson tensor which are computed with respect to the causal elements of a frame. This estimate could be useful in a global existence proof of the solutions of a theory of gravitation in dimension four.
Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo (Universidad de Praga) Working seminar: On the conservation of superenergy and its applications
Teoremas de semiespacio para superficies con curvatura media predeterminada
Motivados por el teorema de semiespacio clásico de Hoffman y Meeks para superficies mínimas en \( \mathbb{R}^3\), el objetivo de esta charla es obtener resultados de tipo semiespacio para superficies inmersas en el espacio Euclideo \(\mathbb{R}^3\) cuya curvatura media viene dada por una función predeterminada dependiendo de su aplicación de Gauss.
Antonio Bueno (Universidad de Granada) Teoremas de semiespacio para superficies con curvatura media predeterminada
Genuine infinitesimal bendings of Euclidean submanifolds
In this talk we focus on a notion of bending of a submanifold. This notion is associated to variations of a submanifold by immersions that preserve lengths “up to the first order”. More precisely, an infinitesimal bending of an isometric immersion \(f : M^n \to \mathbb{R}^{n+p}\) is the variational vector field associated to a variation of \(f = f_0\) by immersions \(f_t\) whose induced metrics \(g_t\) satisfy \(g\prime{}_{t}(0) = 0\). We give a description of the complete Euclidean hypersurfaces that admit non-trivial infinitesimal bendings. We also present some results concerning genuine infinitesimal bendings of submanifolds in low codimension. That an infinitesimal bending is genuine means that it is not determined by an infinitesimal bending of a submanifold of larger dimension. We show that a strong local condition for a submanifold to be genuinely infinitesimally bendable is to be ruled and we estimate the dimension of the rulings. Finally, we describe the situation for infinitesimal bendings of compact submanifolds in codimension 2. This is a joint work with M. Dajczer.
Miguel Ibieta Jiménez (IMPA ) Genuine infinitesimal bendings of Euclidean submanifolds
Ancient gradient flows of elliptic functionals and Morse index
We study closed ancient solutions to gradient flows of elliptic functionals in Riemannian manifolds, focusing on mean curvature flow for the talk. In all dimensions and codimensions, we classify ancient mean curvature flows in \(\mathbb{S}^n\) with low area: they are steady or canonically shrinking equators. In the mean curvature flow case in \(\mathbb{S}^3\), we classify ancient flows with more relaxed area bounds: they are steady or canonically shrinking equators or Clifford tori. In the embedded curve shortening case in \(\mathbb{S}^2\), we completely classify ancient flows of bounded length: they are steady or canonically shrinking equators. (Joint with Kyeongsu Choi.)
Christos Mantoulidis (MIT) Ancient gradient flows of elliptic functionals and Morse index
Realización de Grupos mediante espacios de Alexandroff
El problema de realización de grupos en la categorı́a topológica ha sido ampliamente estudiado a lo largo de los años. Una solución al problema para el caso de grupos finitos se basa en usar como espacios base espacios topológicos finitos. Sin embargo, este método no es válido para las categorı́as homotópica y homotópica punteada, las cuáles pueden resultar de gran interés para el caso de complejos celulares. En esta charla, dado un grupo \(G\) (no necesariamente finito), construiremos un espacio de Alexandroff (generalización natural de los espacios finitos) tal que su grupo de autohomeomorfismos, grupo de clases de homotopı́a de autoequivalencias homotópicas y su versión punteada sean isomorfos a \(G\). Por último, veremos qué relación hay con el problema clásico, planteado para complejos celulares, usando resultados de McCord, en los que se relacionan espacios de Alexandroff con complejos simpliciales.
Pedro José Chocano Feito (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Realización de Grupos mediante espacios de Alexandroff
Self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian for a Class of Non-uniformly Elliptic Mixed Initial-boundary Value Problems on Lorentzian Spacetimes.
We introduce a new method of proof for the essential self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian for a specific class of non-uniformly elliptic mixed initial-boundary value problems for the Dirac equation on smooth, asymptotically flat Lorentzian spacetimes admitting a Killing field that is timelike near and tangential to the boundary, combining results from the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems with near-boundary elliptic methods. Our results apply in particular to the situation that the spacetime includes horizons, on which the Hamiltonian in general fails to be elliptic.
Christian Röken (Universidad de Regensburg) Self-adjointness of the Dirac Hamiltonian for a Class of Non-uniformly Elliptic Mixed Initial-boundary Value Problems on Lorentzian Spacetimes.
An Integral Spectral Representation of the Massive Dirac Propagator in the Kerr Geometry in EF-type Coordinates
We present an integral spectral representation of the massive Dirac propagator in the non-extreme Kerr geometry in horizon-penetrating coordinates, which describes the dynamics of Dirac particles outside and across the event horizon, up to the Cauchy horizon. To this end, we define the Kerr geometry in the Newman–Penrose formalism by means of a regular Carter tetrad in advanced Eddington–Finkelstein-type coordi- nates and the massive Dirac equation in a chiral Newman–Penrose dyad representation in Hamiltonian form. After showing the essential self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian, we compute the resolvent of this operator via the projector onto a finite-dimensional, invariant spectral eigenspace of the angular operator and the radial Green’s matrix stemming from Chandrasekhar’s separation of variables. Then, by applying Stone’s formula to the spectral measure of the Hamiltonian, that is, by expressing the spectral measure in terms of this resolvent, we obtain an explicit integral representation of the Dirac propagator from its formal spectral decomposition.
Christian Röken (Universidad de Regensburg) An Integral Spectral Representation of the Massive Dirac Propagator in the Kerr Geometry in EF-type Coordinates
I will report on new and recent work with Leandro Arosio (Universita di Roma, Tor Vergata) on chaos and other aspects of dynamics in certain highly symmetric complex manifolds. For example, we prove that for many linear algebraic groups G, chaotic automorphisms are generic among volume-preserving holomorphic automorphisms of G. I will start with some background on holomorphic dynamics in general, on chaos, and on the highly symmetric complex manifolds to which our results apply.
Finnur Lárusson (University of Adelaide) Chaos in higher-dimensional complex dynamics
Superficies de Curvatura Media Anisotrópica Constante
En esa charla hablaremos sobre las superficies de curvatura media anisotrópica constante (superficies CMAC), que surgen como puntos críticos (con o sin restricción a las variaciones que preservan el volumen) del funcional de área anisotrópica, dado por la integral de una función suave definida sobre la esfera y evaluada sobre la aplicación de Gauss de la superficie. Un caso particular de superficies CMAC ocurre cuando la función de anisotropía es idénticamente igual a 1, correspondiendo a las superficies mínimas y de curvatura media constante (superficies CMC). Al igual que las superficies CMC, las superficies CMAC también se presentan localmente como grafos de soluciones de una ecuación diferencial cuasi-lineal elíptica, lo que nos permite su estudio bajo la luz del Principio del Máximo. Presentaremos los conceptos introductorios de la teoría y algunos resultados obtenidos, como estimaciones uniformes de altura para grafos CMAC con borde plano, con aplicación al estudio de superficies propiamente embebidas con topología finita, y un teorema de tipo Bernstein para multigrafos CMAC completos.
Marcos Paulo Tassi (Universidade Federal de São Carlos) Superficies de Curvatura Media Anisotrópica Constante
I will discuss recent work with David Wiygul to determine the index and nullity of the Lawson surfaces \(\xi_{g,1}\) (in Lawson's original notation) of any genus \(g\ge2\) (arXiv:1904.05812).
Nikolaos Kapouleas (University of Brown) Index and nullity of Lawson surfaces
The Calabi-Yau problem for Riemann surfaces with finite genus and countably many ends
We show that if R is a compact Riemann surface and M is a domain in R whose complement is a union of countably many pairwise disjoint smoothly bounded closed discs, then M is the complex structure of a complete bounded minimal surface in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). More precisely, we prove that there is a complete conformal minimal immersion \(X:M→\mathbb{ℝ}^3\) extending to a continuous map from the closure of \(M\) such that \(X(\partial M)\) is a union of pairwise disjoint Jordan curves. This extends a result for finite bordered Riemann surfaces proved in 2015. (Joint work with Antonio Alarcon.)
Franc Forstnerič (University of Ljubljana) The Calabi-Yau problem for Riemann surfaces with finite genus and countably many ends
Asimptotic Plateau problem for prescribed mean curvature hypersurfaces
I will talk on a recent joint preprint with Jean-Baptiste Casteras and Jaime Ripoll. We prove the existence of solutions to the asymptotic Plateau problem for hypersurfaces of prescribed mean curvature in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds N. More precisely, given a suitable subset L of the asymptotic boundary of N and a suitable function H on N, we are able to construct a set of locally finite perimeter whose boundary has generalized mean curvature H and asymptotic boundary L provided that N satisfies the so-called strict convexity condition and that its sectional curvatures are bounded from above by a negative constant. We also obtain a multiplicity result in low dimensions.
Ilkka Holopainen (University of Helsinki) Asimptotic Plateau problem for prescribed mean curvature hypersurfaces
Superficies CMC de género arbitrario en \(\mathbb{M}^2(\epsilon) \times \mathbb{R}\)
Se presentará una extensión de la técnica conjugada de Plateau para la construcción de superficies de curvatura media constante en espacios homogéneos. Usando dicha técnica se construirán superficies de curvatura media constante compactas de género arbitrario simétricas con respecto al grupo de simetrías de una teselación de \(\mathbb{M}^2(\epsilon) \times \mathbb{R}\) para H menor que cierta cota superior que depende de la teselación. En el caso \(\mathbb{S}^2\times \mathbb{R}\) (i.e. \(\epsilon=1\)) se probará que dichas superficies son embebidas para \(H < 1/2\).
Francisco Torralbo (Universidad de Granada) Superficies CMC de género arbitrario en \(\mathbb{M}^2(\epsilon) \times \mathbb{R}\)
Scherk-like translators for the Mean Curvature Flow
We prove existence and uniqueness for a two-parameter family of translators for mean curvature flow. We get additional examples by taking limits at the boundary of the parameter space. Some of the translators resemble well-known minimal surfaces (Scherk's doubly periodic minimal surfaces, helicoids), but others have no minimal surface analogs. This is a joint work with D. Hoffman and B. White.
Francisco Martín Serrano (Universidad de Granada) Scherk-like translators for the Mean Curvature Flow
The wedge theorem for ancient mean curvature flows
We show that a wedge theorem (also called a bi-halfspace theorem) holds for properly immersed ancient solutions to the mean curvature flow in n-dimensional Euclidean space. This adds to a long story, as it generalizes our own wedge theorem for self-translators from 2018, which implies the minimal surface case by Hoffman-Meeks (1990) that in turn contains the classical cone theorem by Omori (1967). Another application of the wedge theorem is to classify the convex hulls of the sets of reach of all proper ancient flows, hence posing restrictions on the possible singularities that can occur in mean curvature flow. The proof uses a parabolic Omori-Yau maximum principle for proper ancient flows. This is joint work with Francesco Chini (Univ. Copenhagen).
Niels Martin Moller (University of Copenhagen) The wedge theorem for ancient mean curvature flows
I will discuss about recent joint works with E.S. Gama, J. de Lira and F. Martín concerning Jenkins-Serrin type problems for the graphical translators of the mean curvature flow in Riemannian product manifolds \(M\times R\). We prove, for example, the existence of Jenkins-Serrin type translators that can be described as horizontal graphs "over" suitable domains in a vertical plane.
Esko Heinonen (Universidad de Granada) Jenkins-Serrin problem for translating graphs
In this talk, I will introduce some recent works of invariant theory on CR manifolds. After a briefing of CR manifolds, some integral invariants will be introduced in the Heisenberg groups (regarded as a flat model of CR manifolds). The invariants are not changed in the sense of the pseudo-hermitian transformations which can be regarded as the rigid motions in the Heisenberg groups. We take the approach from Integral Geometry for convex bodies, but in our case, the assumption of convexity is not necessary. The applications can be implemented to the CR-version of the Crofton's formula and the containment problems with other related. Some recent development in the invariant theory for CR manifolds will also be discussed in the end of the talk.
Yen-Chang Huang (Xinyang Normal University) Some results of invariant theory for CR-manifolds
Isoparametric surfaces in \(\mathbb{E}(\kappa,\tau)\)-spaces
Carleman’s approximation theorem (1927) was ostensibly the first result concerning approximation of continuous functions defined on an unbounded closed set of C, namely R, by entire functions. The approximation is stronger than uniform approximation as the error at x can be made to taper off as x approaches infinity (from within R). An essential property of R for such an approximation to exist is that it has bounded exhaustion hulls, that is, the complement of R in the one point compactification of C is locally connected at infinity. Bounded exhaustion hulls play an important role in the characterisation of totally real sets admitting Carleman approximation and Carleman approximation of jets; see Manne et al (2011), Magnusson and Wold (2016). In this talk I will discuss some recent generalisations of Carleman’s theorem including preliminary results from ongoing joint work with Ildefonso Castro-Infantes where the problem of approximating by directed holomorphic immersions, for example by null curves, is being considered.
Brett Chenoweth (Universidad de Liubliana) Carleman type theorems in complex analysis and minimal surface theory
The deadline for applying for financial support, for booking a hotel room and for the selection of a poster or short presentation is September 30, 2019. Registrations are accepted until November 30, 2019.
"International Workshop on Geometry of Submanifolds, 2019" will be held at Istanbul Center for Mathematical Sciences* (IMBM) located in Boğaziçi University South Campus in Bebek, Istanbul/Turkey during November 7-9, 2019.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring experts and young researchers working in various aspects of "Geometry of Submanifolds" together to create an environment where they can discuss about their recent researches and open problems.
El próposito de la 1a Escuela de Geometría Diferencial es reunir, bajo un solo techo, a investigadores y estudiantes de todo el país con intereses matemáticos cercanos a la geometría diferencial. El objetivo fundamental es exponer la mayor diversidad de temas de geometría a un buen número de estudiantes de posgrado y de últimos semestres de licenciatura, así como dar a conocer a la comunidad de geómetras los trabajos de investigadores jóvenes. Por ello, la primera escuela nacional de geometría diferencial ha sido organizada en torno a 5 mini-cursos introductorios, e incluye 8 charlas y una sesión de carteles. Esperamos que este encuentro de jóvenes estudiantes con la geometría diferencial contribuirá a formar científicos con una cultura matemática amplia y que, finalmente, coadyuvará a la aplicación del conocimiento matemático en la solución de los grandes problemas nacionales. Habrá minicursos y conferencistas invitados.
According to Felix Klein, geometry is the study of those properties in space that are invariant under a given transformation group. Intuitively, symmetry is the correspondence of shape at every point of a space. An interesting problem in geometry and many physical sciences is to determine the symmetries of a space from its shape. In Riemannian geometry, the natural group to consider is the isometry group, that is, the group of transformations of a manifold that preserve distances.
The aim of this conference is to gather experts from around the world in the study of symmetry in submanifold geometry, whilst we celebrate Jürgen Berndt's 60th birthday. The conference will revolve around the study of homogeneous submanifolds, including cohomogeneity one and polar actions, their characterization via concepts like isoparametric submanifolds or singular Riemannian foliations and their interaction with other topics in Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis.
Our workshop intends to bring together mathematicians working in complex analytic, differential and algebraic geometry, as well as geometric PDEs, complex analysis and topology, in an attempt to make progress towards a unified classification theory of compact complex, not necessarily algebraic or even Kähler, manifolds. This is a major endeavour in modern mathematics.
We will focus on two types of structures that these manifolds may support: metric structures (ways of measuring distances on these manifolds) and cohomological structures (pertaining to topological properties of the complex structure of these manifolds). Very few manifolds admit a type of metrics, called Kähler, that have many symmetries and imply cohomological properties, but most of them do not. However, large classes of manifolds support weaker types of special metrics that imply cohomological and geometric properties similar to their Kähler counterparts. Our understanding of not necessarily Kähler manifolds remains patchy at the moment despite recent major progress. Our workshop will focus on the relations between metric and cohomological properties of compact complex manifolds that resemble Kähler manifolds to some degree.
The Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) is a collaborative Canada-US-Mexico venture that provides an environment for creative interaction as well as the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and methods within the Mathematical Sciences, with related disciplines and with industry. The research station is located at The Banff Centre in Alberta and is supported by Canada's Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Alberta's Advanced Education and Technology, and Mexico's Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).
This event is organized by the Andalusian Math Institutes IEMath (Granada) and IMUS (Seville), together with the University of Cádiz, and will consist of three parts:
Introductory courses:
The isoperimetric problem,
Constant mean curvature surfaces,
Minimal surfaces,
Other geometric PDEs.
These courses will take place at IEMath and IMUS (October 1-25), and there will be 15-20 seats for PhD students, who will be selected among all applicants according to their curricula.
Selected PhD students will also have the chance to carry out a short research program supervised by experts at IEMath or IMUS (November 4-December 5), in which they will delve into some research topics of their interest, and will present their results at a small workshop at the end of this period.
A conference on Geometric Analysis will take place at the University of Cádiz (October 28-31). Senior and junior speakers will show some of the most up-to-date results in different topics related to Geometric Analysis. Besides PhD students taking part in the program, the conference will be open to all researchers willing to participate.
The organization will offer grants to selected PhD students covering most of their expenses. The deadline for grant application is April 30, 2019, and selection of participants will be communicated no later than May 15, 2019.
The conference will focus on three strongly correlated themes: geometric analysis, geometry of submanifolds and geometry of PDEs, bringing together leading mathematicians in the field. The conference will consist of 16 plenary lectures and of invited lectures in parallel sessions. A poster session will be also scheduled aside of the main activities.
The Fall Workshops on Geometry and Physics have been held yearly since 1992, and bring together Spanish and Portuguese geometers and physicists, along with an ever increasing number of participants from outside the Iberian Peninsula. The meetings aim to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between researchers of different fields in Differential Geometry, Applied Mathematics and Physics, and always include a substantial number of enthusiastic young researchers amongst the participants.
This international conference will give us the opportunity to celebrate our good friend Vieri Benci’s 70th birthday.
Vieri is a brilliant mathematician who has authored or co-authored several books and about two hundred papers published on international scientific journals and both his teaching and his passion for research have contributed to the training of many students who have then pursued an academic career in Mathematics.
This workshop will address Vieri’s main research interests which range from variational and topological methods applied to the study of nonlinear differential equations arising in Mathematical Physics, General Relativity, Differential Geometry, to the foundations of Mathematics and Logic.
The meeting will take place from September 24 to September 27, 2019, in Bari (Italy), at the Department of Mathematics of the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro and at the Politecnico di Bari, in the university campus “Ernesto Quagliariello”.
Seminario de análisis geométrico en la UJA
Seminario de 10 horas, repartido en dos días de duración, dirigido a los alumnos del Programa Interuniversitario Matemáticas (UGR, UCA, UMA, UAL y UJA). El tema común es el Análisis Geométrico, que es una de las líneas de in- vestigación del Programa de Doctorado y es incluso el título del Proyecto MTM en el que están enrolados los ponentes del Seminario. El objetivo es transmitir de manera clara y fluida al potencial alumnado los avances en los problemas recientes de investigación básica que están abordando los ponentes en esta línea de investigación.
Se organiza en 5 sesiones teórico-prácticas de dos horas de duración cada una, impartidas por profesorado de la UJA y externo involucrados en la citada línea de investigación, incluyendo profesorado doctor reciente que transmitirá la evolución del proceso de la investigación llevada a cabo en sus tesis doctorales a los actuales alumnos del Programa de Doctorado.
Curso de verano en la UAB. Curso de introducción a la investigación para alumnos de último curso de grado que hayan cursado geometría diferencial o variedades diferenciables. El curso se impartirá del 8 al 19 de julio en el campus de la UAB, Barcelona. La participación se realiza a través de becas de viaje+alojamiento que se pueden solicitar hasta el 25 de marzo. Las clases serán impartidas por Roberto Rubio. El curso está organizado por la UAB y financiando por el proyecto Marie Sklodowska-Curie GENERALIZED.
This conference will gather specialists of variational problems and the geometry of Riemannian and Lorentzian submanifolds. It will be the occasion to listen to some of the foremost researchers on harmonic maps, minimal surfaces, constant mean curvature surfaces, the Willmore problem, biharmonic maps, knot theory (from the geometric perspective), Yang-Mills theory as well as submanifolds from the viewpoint of Riemannian or Lorentzian geometry. Emphasis will be placed on young researchers, post-doctoral and Ph.D. students, who will be able to present their work.
Welcome to the 2nd BYMAT Conference – Bringing Young Mathematicians Together. This conference aims to:
Strengthen the links between PhD students in all disciplines where mathematics is relevant, nationally and internationally.
Encourage researchers of different institutions, disciplines and countries to start building a network of contacts soon into their careers.
Provide a warm and open space for researchers in the early stages of their career to present their work to peers of similar experience.
Promote cross-disciplinary training during the PhD stage, favouring interaction with students from different areas, and boosting scientific outreach and the transfer of knowledge between academia and industry.
Favour the use of English as a working language to make BYMAT an inclusive conference.
The conference is especially directed at PhD students in all areas of mathematics and related disciplines, and indeed any young people who use mathematics in their daily lives/jobs. Everyone, from undergraduates to university professors or industry professionals, is more than welcome to attend!
We expect contributed talks and posters to come mainly from PhD students, young industry professionals, master’s students and recent PostDoc. The official language of the conference will be English. We will have short talks (15-20 minutes), distributed in thematic parallel sessions, a poster session, 7 plenary talks given by young professors and industry professionals, workshops and plenty of social activities.
Registration is open until 30th April. Talk and grant applications can be submitted until 11th March.
The Women and Mathematics Program (WAM) at the Institute for Advanced Study is an annual program with the mission to recruit and retain more women in mathematics. WAM aims to counter the initial imbalance in the numbers of men and women entering mathematics training as well as the higher attrition rate of female mathematicians compared to their male counterparts at every critical transition stage in mathematical careers. WAM encourages female mathematicians to form collaborative research relationships and to become active in a vertical mentoring network spanning a continuum from undergraduates to emerita professors, which provides support and reduces the sense of isolation experienced by many women in mathematics. While there are a number of women's programs targeted solely at undergraduates, or graduate students, or postdocs, very few programs provide the depth and breadth that come from simultaneously including features tailored for undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers from a broad spectrum of US institutions, all in one united community of scholars, as WAM does.
El encuentro de investigadores de la REAG es una de las actividades programadas de la Red Española de Análisis Geométrico. Sus objetivos principales son favorecer el intercambio de ideas y fomentar la cooperación entre investigadores, tanto miembros de la Red como de grupos afines cuya investigación se desarrolla en el campo del Análisis Geométrico.
Esta edición se celebrará en la Universidad de Murcia. Durante los días 8 y 9 de abril tendrá lugar el taller de jóvenes investigadores donde los siguientes miembros impartirán una serie de conferencias
Antonio Bueno (Universidad de Granada).
Verónica L. Cánovas (Universidad de Murcia).
Ildefonso Castro-Infantes (Universidad de Granada).
Jesús Castro-Infantes (Universidad de Granada).
Juan Luis Durán (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).
Ixchel Gutiérrez Rodríguez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela).
David Iglesias (Universidad de Murcia).
Antonio Martínez-Triviño (Universidad de Granada).
Julián Pozuelo (Universidad de Granada).
Jaime Santos Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Erik Sarrión (Universidad Jaume I).
Miriam Tárraga (Universidad de Murcia).
Tras el taller se celebrará el día 10 de abril el encuentro de la REAG donde los siguientes investigadores impartirán una conferencia:
Teresa Arias Marco (Universidad de Extremadura).
Marcos Dajczer (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).
Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
Pablo Mira (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena).
Roberto Rubio (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).
The Workshop on Differential Geometry of the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Alagoas has become a traditional event that takes place every year in Maceio-Alagoas, during the Brazilian summer. The aim of this workshop is to gather in Maceio national and international researchers of high scientific level in the field of differential geometry. In this 9th edition, the event will be held in two weeks. From 11 to 15 March, the activities will occur on the Mathematics Institute of the Federal University of Alagoas, and the program is dedicated to young researchers and graduate students, including a minicourse, 30min contributed talks and two sections of open problems. From 18 to 22 March, the activities will occur at Hotel Ponta Verde at Praia do Francês and keeps the traditional program with one minicourse and invited lectures.
This is a course on Finsler Geometry in a basic level, starting from some knowledge about Riemannian Geometry. There will be some talks by specialists on applications to Relativity and other fields.