«Self-(illness) ambiguity: A neglected topic in philosophy of psychiatry»
El 15 de marzo comienza el ciclo de charlas online “Philosophy & Psychiatry Talk Series”, coordinado por Víctor Fernández Castro. Esta primera sesión será impartida por Roy Dings (Ruhr University Bochum) y lleva por título "Self-(illness) ambiguity: A neglected topic in philosophy of psychiatry". Abstract: "In this talk I summarize my ongoing research on self(-illness) ambiguity. I will illustrate the phenomenon of self-illness ambiguity and argue that this is best understood as an instance of self-ambiguity. I then go on to outline the framework that I have developed to understand self-ambiguity. I conclude by briefly comparing self-ambiguity to related notions such as alienation and authenticity, and by listing the advantages of adopting the proposed framework". Para tener acceso a la sesión contactar con vfernandezcastro@ugr.es Más información aquí.