El 14 de junio a las 10:30 horas, tendrá lugar una sesión TeC FiloLab con Sam Wilkinson (University of Exeter), que presentará su trabajo The varieties of psychiatric anti-objectivism: prospects and implications. Esta sesión será coordinada por Víctor Fernández Castro y su lugar de desarrollo será la Sala de Juntas de la Facultad de Psicología de la UGR (Sección Departamental de Filosofía). A continuación publicamos el abstract de la sesión.
The varieties of psychiatric anti-objectivism: prospects and implications
Abstract: Psychiatric objectivism is the view that someone is psychiatrically ill if they have certain objective properties, namely, if they satisfy certain objective descriptions. Anti-objectivism is simply the denial of this, and it comes in many varieties. In this talk, I navigate through these different varieties, unpack them and assess them. Among them will be: psychiatric expressivism, fictionalism, inferentialism and pragmatism. I will also explore what these views could imply about the relationship between mental illness and other normative terms of clinical importance, like delusion and addiction.