El día 29 de mayo a la 13:00h, Paolo Bonardi (Universidad de Viena) impartirá un seminario TeC FiloLab en el que presentará su trabajo «Millianism and imaginary objects as type states of having in mind». Esta sesión será coordinada por Manuel de Pinedo y Neftalí Villanueva, y tendrá lugar en la Sala de Juntas de la Sección de Filosofía de la Facultad de Psicología de la UGR. A continuación publicamos el abstract de la charla.
Millianism and imaginary objects as type states of having in mind
The goal of my talk is to present and defend a Millian account of imaginary names (“Sherlock Holmes”, “Vulcan”, etc.), according to which: (i) every imaginary name has a referent; (ii) such a referent is in our universe (i.e. in the spatiotemporal region where we live); more specifically, (iii) it is in time; (iv) it is created and, at the time of its creation, it comes into existence (since the Neo-Meinongian alternative, advocated by Berto/Priest, that it is a created/uncreated nonexistent